[S 1] (Chapter 12) Cavalry Battle

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Kirishima says, "Oh no, not Cavalry Battle, I'm terrible at those."

Midnight then goes on to explain the rules, "The rules are simple, each of you will be assigned points based on your standing, the higher you're ranked, the more points you have. You will all group up in teams ranging from 2-4, your points will be added up, then the rider will wear a headband that shows said point value." The screen then shows a team of 4 of UA's teacher in a Cavalry set up, and All Might wearing a headband, "Your goal is to steal each other's headbands to improve your point value, you are to wear these stolen headbands around your neck; the more you have the harder it will be to manage them." the screen show All Might getting more and more headbands around his neck, until it reaches a little past his nose while he stares at the camera in discomfort, "Now, the real kicker is the one who placed first, their point value is... TEN MILLION!!!"

We all go silent until I yell, "What, Ten Million?!"

Midnight smirks as the others begin to watch me intently, "That's right, this is everyone's chance to overthrow the top! Good luck everyone, find your teammates within 5 mins, and that starts... NOW!!!"

Everyone immediately disperses from my position in search of teammates, I look around and spot Ojiro, I walk up to him and ask, "Uh, Ojiro, can you be my-?" 

He looks put off and starts walking away, "Sorry, I can't." 

I start to panic as I look around, "Oh no... no one's going to team up with me because I'm worth so much, I'll be alone for this event!"

Someone taps my shoulder so I turn around, I then see Ashido smiling at me, "Hey, can we team up?"

I start crying a fountain in joy, "Wha- really?! You'll team up with me even if I'm worth so much?!"

Ashido wipes the tears that fell on her face, giggling as she replies, "Yeah sure, why not, that's what friends are for, right?"

I smile and hug her, "Thank youuuuuuu!"

She stiffens in my hug, "Uh, y-yeah sure." she pat my back in reassurance, "No problem."

I break the hug, "Well, that's great Ashido, thanks!"

She smiles, "Like I said, no problem!" she gives a thumbs up.

I start looking around, "Well, with you and me as a team, we still need at least 1 more person." I keep looking around until I spot Iida, "There!" I then start running after him.

Ashido yells out, "Wait for me!" then runs to follow me.

Iida hears Ashido and I and turns to face us, "Hm?"

Ashido waves, "Hey Iida!"

He makes a small wave, "Hello you two, what is it?"

We stop in front of him as I ask, "Will you be apart of our team? With your Engine Quirk, my Robotics Quirk Quirk, and Ashido's Acid Quirk, we'll be a great team and be able to win the event easy!"

Ashido nods, "Yeah, hands down, we got this!"

Iida looks down for a second, then replies, "I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline."

Ashido and I are both surprised as we say in unison, "Huh?"

Iida explains, "If I team up with you, I'll just be caosting by on your success, I need to prove myself, so I'm sorry, but I'll look for another team." he then walks away to do just that.

I frown, "...Iida."

Ashido messes up her hair in frusteration, "Aw come on!!! What're we going to do now?!"

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