[S 1] (Chapter 2) Bullies & Sludge-Fest

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I'm running along the sidewalk on my way to school, well... no really, I'm running to something way more important. I wait at a crosswalk while pumping my legs, hopping in place, then cross when I can as I run through, I finally get to my destination and a smile grows on my face as I see a giant man on top of a railway track bridge. 

He roars while my smile broadens, "Whoa, that's one huge supervillain!"

The villain roars again and smashes down a tower, as it falls, a hero runs underneath it and slams his fists together, he then raises his arms and catches the tower before it hits the ground. 

Some civilians cheer up the hero, "Whoa, nice! Way to go Death Arms!" "The Punching Hero! I wish I had a Quirk that made me super strong."

A line of water then spreads from one side of the road to the other as it changes into a gate.

The hero responsible then speaks up, "Everyone, please stay back, this area is far too dangerous."

The civilians in the area all watch him in awe, including myself, as they talk about him, "Whoa, The Rescue Hero: Backdraft is here? He'll make sure we're okay."

I look around as I try to squeeze through, all the while some people are talking about the big villain, "This guy must be pretty desperate to go full villain in the middle of the city. Do you know what happened?"

Another just scoffs as he replies, "Just some amateur. Stole someone's bag and got himself cornered."

The guy from before just sigh, "A Quirk like that and he's just a petty thief."

I ignore the others talking as I make my way through the crowd up to the front, I hear a group of girls scream but I pay it no mind.

The villain suddenly yells out, "Get away from me or I"LL BREAK YOU TOOTHPICK!!!"

I finally make it to the front and I see another hero has already arrived, Kamui Woods. 

I gasp in awe as I say, "This is going to be good!"

The villain swings at him while Kamui Woods grapples onto another tower and swings away.

I yell out, "It's Kamui Woods!" I keep explaining, "He may be new, but he's making a big name for himself!"

A civilian to my right smiles as he says, "One look of that dopey grin I know what you are, a Fanboy!"

I blush a little, "Uh, sorta..." I look away and laugh embarrassingly.

Kamui Woods charges the villain, but not before said villain tries to crush him with the palm of his hand, to which the hero jumps and dodges, running up the villain's arm and jumping again, the hero tries to restrain the villain, but he puts an arm up and that gets grappled instead, so the villain throws him away.

Kamui Woods lands on a tunnel entrance, "Assault, Robbery, and the illegal use of powers during rush hour traffic. You are the incarnation of evil!"

He extends out his right arm as it starts to separate into several pieces, I point to him as I say, "There, his special move!"

The guy next to me yells out, "Come on tree man, show us something flashy!"

I smile as I recall what the move is called, "The Preemptive..."

Kamui Woods adds, "...Binding..."

We say together, "Lacquered Chain Prison!" as Kamui woods sends out several tendrils of wood towards the villain.

"Canyon Cannon!"

A woman appears out of no where, slightly taller than the giant villain and delivers a drop kick to the guy's chin, sending him to the ground.

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