[S 1] (Chapter 11) The Sports Festival

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As we're all walking onto the field, I start to feel a little nervous as I watch the cheering crowd, I feel my smile waver as I say, "Oh boy..."

Kirishima says, "You said it, he really hyped us up huh?"

Iida adds, "It is a little unnerving knowing so many eyes are on us, but I guess that is something we'll have to get used t as heroes."

Kirishima replies, "Good, I'm not the only one." he looks at Kacchan, "What about you Bakugou?"

He smiles sinisterly, "I don't mind, it only makes me wanna win this thing even more!"

Present Mic speaks again, "Now, they may be in the spotlight, but this next class has just as much sparking talent as the last. It's Class 1B!!!"

The audience begins to cheer as said class begins to walk out onto the field, Present Mic begins to call out the rest of the classes of 1st years while we all stand in the center of the field before a white platform. After everyone arrives, Midnight walks up onto the stage with a snap of her whip, getting everyone's attention.

Kirishima then says in a low voice, "Uh, someone should talk to Midnight about what she's wearing."

Kaminari nods with a small blush, "Yeah, that costume should come with a warning."

Tokoyami, a boy with jet black hair with a yellow beak making him look like a man with a bird head, "Is that really appropriate attire for a High School Game?"

Mineta gives an enthusiastic thumbs up as Midnight snaps her whip again as she says, "Silence! In a few moments, we will get the first event underway, but first, a speech by one Izuku Midoriya!"

The crowd cheered while I paled, "Wait what?"

Ashido nudged me and whispered, "Go on, you got this!"

I looked to her and see her smile, it puts me at ease and I take a deep breath, walking up to the stage as I hype myself up, "Here we go, here we go."

I get close to the mic as Midnight takes a step back, I take one more deep breath away from the mic before I lean in, "Hello everyone, I hope you're all ready for this year's Sports Festival..."

Everyone cheers while I smile, a little more confident so I keep talking, "Alright, well I only have this to say for my speech..." I look to everyone in front of the stage, "Don't hold back, we're here to show off our potential, hero course or not, we're here to give them a show, so lets do just that, and give it all you've got..." I raise a fist into the air, "Plus Ultra!"

The other students throw a fist up in a roar of, "Plus Ultra!" I smile and look back at Midnight, she smiles (a bit seductively) and nods, I nod back and walk off stage.

Ashido smiles and lightly punches my shoulder, "Didn't know you were so good at speeches Class Rep!"

I chuckle nervously as I scratch the back of my head, "Me neither to be honest..."

She pouts, "You need to be more confident in yourself."

Midnight walks back up to the mic and says, "Well, that was an inspiring speech, got me all tingly~" she says as she sways, making me look away.

She continues, "But with that out of the way, lets start the first event, and it will be..."

A monitor the raises from behind the stage as the screen turns on, showing a wheel that starts spinning, it starts to slow down and lands on an event.

Midnight yells, "Obstacle Course! This will be a race to the finish line, everyone line up at that gate!" she points at a gateway with three green lights above it.

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