[S 2] (Chapter 3) All Bets Are Off

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I jet right for him, and he immediately puts up his arms to guard, but I launch my grapple to the right as I change Side-Jet to the left, "Gotcha!"

He looks confused before a car slams into him from the right, my hand lets go of the vehicle as it retracts back into place. He staggers a bit form the car before I give him a quick barrage of Plasma bolts, stunning him slightly, then I hit then ground before Jet-Jumping into the building behind me, then quickly flying towards him with a fist at the ready.

He grabs it with one hand and says, "Not so fast Midori-!"

I quickly use the momentum I still have to throw a right hook straight to All Might's face, which dazed him and loosened his grip on my hand, so I jetted away and quickly gave a few pulses of Plasma to his gut, stunning him again. I killed my thruster so I could land as I launched my grapple to his head, then pulled back as I reeled it in, slamming his had into the ground with much force, cracking the ground a bit.

"Cuff him!" I though as I quickly recalled my hand and jetted to him from my back and sole thrusters set to Burn Orange.

I pulled out the cuffs and got over him, already one of his wrists in my hands, I was about to latch the cuffs to them, but was sending hit with immense pain from my gut as I was flown back. Suddenly slamming into building before falling to the ground, both times I was positioned to absorb energy into my shield, accidently, I get up slowly and painfully as I hold my gut and look at him as he stood back up.

He asks, "Did you really think that would stop me?"

I stretch a little as I stare him down, "It's good to hope."

He laughs, "Hope won't help you here Young Midoriya!"

I smirk, "Maybe, but this might."

'Level One Reached' the pain in my left side goes away as I let it go.

He arcs an eyebrow, "Huh?"

I shoulder charge into a car, sending it hurling towards All Might, I then quickly make my Cannon and jet to the left, getting behind him. He bats away the car as I absorb the Kinetic Energy from my shield, I aim and fire at him, just as he turns to look at me, the blast makes him stagger which gives me the time to switch to my Finger Guns and fire a small cluster before flying into the air.

The plasma pellets hit him in the gut, causing him to cease, before quickly returning to normal. He looks up at me and jumps to me instantly, I quickly react and position my shield in front of me as I jet down and to the right, I then quickly thruster punch his injury as hard as I can with an orange burn, which makes him cough up some blood.

I wince, "Sorry All Might."

I jet down to the ground as I grapple his arm, then recall it as I pull him down, but he lands on his feet and grabs my cable, my eyes widen as he grins, "Oh no."

He then pulls me in with incredible speed as he reels back a fist, I quickly position myself so my shield takes the hit, but when it does, I'm sent flying as my shield glows green, indicating it's at it's limit. I'm flown so far that I crash into something very hard near the exit before I fall to the ground, I hear Mina yelp to me right and I look, seeing her just leaving the alley.

I get up and ask, "You okay?"

She yells, "Am I okay?! You just hit a bus!"

I lookback and see the bus's front completely dented inward, glass shattered, and the rest of it bent and cracked all over.

I turn to her and shrug, "I don't feel a thing." I then spot a red sector in front of me glowing red, and glowing brighter fast.

I act fast and tackle Mina with my thrusters, "Look out!"

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