[S 1] (Chapter 20) Dr. Garren

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I hear my alarm go off and I open my eyes, "Ugh, why did I set an alarm this early?" I lean over and turn it off.

I sigh and grab my case holding prosthetics and open it, "Here's to another day."

I put on my prosthetics and take off my rubber casing over my spine and put it away, I then get out of bed and change into some clothes for the day, "Okay, you are not going to trin during these two days of no school, no training, you won the Sport Festival for crying out loud, that's worthy of  rest for 2 days... right?"

Mom then asks through the door to my room, "Izuki, are you awake?"

I reply as I look into the mirror, "Yeah, I'm up!"

Mom adds, "Good, because you have an appointment with Dr. Garren today."

My eyes widen as I look at the door and say, "Wait what?"

She answers, "She called me yesterday saying they booked you an appointment for today regarding your Arm Cannon thing."

I look at the ground in thought, "I didn't talk with her... did I?" I then reply, "O-okay, thanks mom!"

She walks away while I grab my glove and eyepatch, "I really hope she's not mad at me, why would she make an appointment without telling me?"

I walk out of my room and head to the kitchen, "Hey mom, what's for breakfast?"

She smiles and answers, "Eggs, apples, sausages, and pancakes."

I smile, "Alright!"

We sit down and eat breakfast, then mom asks, "I didn't get to ask yesterday because you were so tired yesterday from the festival, but... how does it feel to know that you're the best first year in all of UA?" she asks with a big smile on her face.

I chuckle, "I wouldn't say I'm the best mom, I'm just-"

"Izuku." she interrupts me, she then asks, "You literally placed first place on the Sports Festival, an event broadcasted to all of Japan, if not the whole world, they've all seen what you did there."

I sigh, "I only won because Kacchan didn't take me seriously during our match, I didn't-"

Mom looks at me sternly, "Look at me Izuku."

I do, and she says, "You were amazing, you placed first in every event of the Sports Festival, even when things didn't go your way, you go yourself out and won anyway. Then when you fought Katsuki, you didn't take a single hit from him until the very end, which you blocked and absorbed, you knew how strong he was and gave it everything you had, Katsuki do that, he wasn't fully in the match, you were, if nothing else, that's where you surpass him, you never lose focus on the fight and give it everything you've got."

I look at my food in thought, before mom puts her hand on mine Pros. Hand, "You did amazing out there, now the pros know just what you're capable of." she smiles.

I smile back, "Thanks, mom."

She nods and lets go of my hand, "No problem sweetie."

I go back to eating my food as I talk about the festival, "I guess it's a bit surreal, I don't think it's really hit me yet to be honest."

She looks at me as she raises an eyebrow, "Clearly."

I continue, "I just wish some of my other classmates cold show off more of what they could do, Shouji was taken out so easily while Mina wasn't able to show off much of her capabilities, which sucks."

Mom then taps her chin, "Yeah, I heard those names, I don't remember Shouji, but I think the pink one was Ashido-" her eyes then widened and looked at me.

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