Everything has changed

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Five years later

"Daisy, babe, we need to go." My boyfriend, James, says, walking into our room. "We are going to be late." I roll my eyes as I put my earrings in.

"James, there's still a while before the game starts. It will be ok." I smile at him.

"We needed to be there an hour ago." He says under his breath, walking out.

James is an actor, we met while on set for a movie that we both stared in and the connection was too real. We've been dating for about six months and for our anniversary he got us tickets to a Chargers game, in the middle of July... In California.

I've never sat in the stadium, only performed, so hopefully, it won't be too hot.

I had to buy an apartment in LA since I was back and forth between here and New York due to filming and staying in hotels was a struggle (They always leaked my locations).

I fix my hair and take my medication before grabbing my purse and walking into the living room, "Okay, I'm ready."

He stands up, finishing off his beer. "Finally," He says and I roll my eyes.

Way to make me feel loved.

We walk out of the door, locking it behind us. I shove the key as we walk out the front entrance. The paparazzi standing outside, taking photos.

I sigh as we walk to the car, he always calls the paparazzi to get some attention towards him, I don't understand why he needs it all the time. We get into the car and I sigh, "You okay, Miss Daisy?" Antonio asks me from the front.

"Yeah, I'm good." I smile.

He nods and starts driving to the stadium.

He drives around to the back, taking us to the back of the stadium, through the tunnels. James was hoping to be able to see the team as we walked, he hasn't stopped talking about what would happen if he met one of them.

We get out of the car and he grabs my hand as we walk through the tunnels. I look down at my feet as players pass by, not wanting to draw attention to myself.

I've started getting anxious each time I leave my space and go out. I'm on medication for it but it doesn't always help.

"Yo Parker!" One guy says, "It's the guy from that one movie we watched.." He snaps his fingers.

"Jump then fall." The movie I was also in, 'Parker' says. I look up not wanting to seem rude.

"Daisy." I feel faint, my heart rate picking up.

"Logan, hey.." I should've known 'Logan Parker'.

I sigh as James looks down at me, "Babe, you know Logan Parker and didn't tell me?" He beams.

"Uh yeah, we were friends in high school and college." He furls his eyebrows and then realizes.

"Oh right, this is Logan." I wince as he says his name like that, "Anyways, I'm going to get a beer, I'll meet you up at the suite." I nod, he leans down and kisses me on the cheek before walking away.

"I didn't know you played for the Chargers." I smile at Logan, my hands and legs shaking. I look around to see his teammate gone.

"Yeah, well I never got a chance to say did I?." He says deadpan, not showing one emotion. My smile and heart drop as I think back to our last conversation.

"I didn't know you watched football." He gives a small smile, almost not visible.

"I don't. James dragged me here, literally." He gives a small laugh and I start to feel better.

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