Where do we go now?

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I woke up with a splitting headache from crying last night. I walk into my kitchen and see Jordyn, Miles, and Gracie. I don't know how she got in but Jordyn and Miles slept here. "Hey, Daisy." Gracie hands me a cup of coffee, "What are you doing here?" I smile.

"Logan and Catherine have been fighting since last night, and Jordyn said I could come over." 


"Well, you're welcome to stay anytime." I sit on the couch.

 "What were they fighting about?" Jordyn asks. 

"That's personal." I chime in. 

"It was about you." She looks at me.

 "What did I do?" 

"It's what she did." She sits next to me, "She was just trash talking and he was like 'She's the love of my life' or whatever." 

I blush, standing back up. "I need to get to the stadium, you guys coming with me?" 

"Yes, I love your soundchecks." Jordyn stands up. I laugh walking into my room, getting my bag and a sweatshirt. We exit the building the back way, getting into the car. 

"Morning Antonio." He starts to drive off. 

"Morning Miss Daisy, you look better this morning."

I smile, "I feel better."

We got to the stadium and I did my soundcheck, tried on my outfits again, and waited in my dressing room till the show started. 

Miles walks in with drinks in hand, and Logan and Catherine follow in. "Look who I found again DJ." He hands Jordyn and Gracie the drinks, 

"Hey," I say quietly, shifting uncomfortably in the bodysuit.


After the show I was sitting around in my dressing room, needing a moment away from people. A knock on my door shook me out of my thoughts. The dressing room was on the other side of the stadium, hidden in a corner and Antonio was standing outside so it couldn't be anyone he nor I didn't know. 

I open the door and I'm greeted by Logan's gorgeousness, "What are you doing here?" I walk away from the door. 

He comes in, shutting it behind him. "I needed a moment with you."

I shake my head, "Logan.." I take a deep breath, "Why do you keep bringing her here? Even after what she said, what you said." I raise my voice.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." I get closer, looking up at him. 

 "I have to, Daisy." He sighs before asking, "Why did you never visit me in the hospital? When I got hurt?" I look into his eyes.

"I did, did you not read the note I brought, the flowers?" He shakes his head, "What note Daisy, what flowers?"

"I was there, I tried to be there. She told me you didn't want to see me." I step back, "The poppies?" My eyes water.

"Catherine bought them for me." 

I shake my head, "No she didn't, it was me." I whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me."

"I thought you knew." My voice breaks. 

I shake my head and turn around. He pulls my arm, pulling me in for a kiss. I kiss him back as he pulls me closer to him. Picking me up, he sets me on the dresser, "Logan, what about Catherine?" He shakes his head.

 "It's not real, what she and I have isn't real. It's not like what we are."

"So, where do we go now?"

"I want you Daisy and only you, but Heather.." He pauses, "She told me to get rid of you."

"Why didn't you?" I whisper, "Why do I mean this much to you?" His ocean blue eyes, looking into mine.

"You just do." He kisses me again, a tear transferring onto his cheek.

 "We can still see each other." He pauses, "Come to London with me, I'm going to be there for five months all by myself."

I shake my head, "I still have a month of shows before I get a break." Smiling I add, "But I could come after they're done."

I get off the dresser and put my hand on his chest, "It's just the cats and me tonight... if you wanna come home with me." I boldly say.

"Well, Catherine just left for Brazil so I'd be alone too."

I gather my stuff and we leave the dressing room, "Antonio, could you take us the back way." He nods as we walk away from where the paparazzi is.

"I just want it to be just us, no camera, no friends. We're our secret."  

We get into my car and head to my apartment. He sits next to me, his hand dangerously high on my thigh. I put my hand on top of his, "Daisy." He whispers as we pull up to the apartment. 

"We're here." I smile as I open the car door, get out, and quickly rush in. 

I press the button for the elevator but he grabs my hand, "Let's take the stairs." He pulls me.

I smile and we walk into the stairwell. By the second floor, I was pushed up against the wall trapped in between them. "How did I ever let you go." He whispered.

"You've got me now. Catherine's the only problem." 

He shakes his head, "She's not the problem, it's Heather." 

"Maybe she's the one you need to get rid of." I joke.

"I wish, it would be so hard to replace her. Plus, she doesn't have to know."

We continue to walk up the stairs after our stop.

Walking into the living room, my cats all scramble. "So, what do you want to drink?" I set my bag out and walked into the kitchen. "I'll take a glass of whiskey." He smiles and sits on the couch.

I make both of us our drinks and sit next to him, snuggling close. He wraps his arm around me, pulling me even closer. 

"Do you have another show tomorrow?" I shake my head, drinking the rest of my wine.

The front door jiggles and Miles, Jordyn, and Gracie walk in, "Do you guys not have places to stay?" I jump up and walk to the kitchen. 

"Suck it up, you have better beds than what we have, and it's Sunday which means movie night." Jordyn looks around, "I didn't know you had company." She sits on the chair across from the couch, Gracie and Miles sitting too.

"Well, I do." 

I make another drink and sit back down next to Logan. He puts his arm back around me, and Miles turns on the TV. 

My phone rings just as the movie starts, "I'll be back in a second." I stand up and walk into the hallway, "Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Daisy, I see you have a break after the couple shows and you've been offered a movie role in London," Britney says.

"Well I'll be in London during my break so I'll take it. What is it about?" 

"Crazy thing, singer and athlete. Sound familiar?" I shake my head.

 "Are you serious? Who's the other?" I lean up against the wall.

"Can't say, I don't know."

"Okay, just send the script over." She says a few more things before hanging up. I walk back in and sit on the couch.

"Who was that?" Logan asks

"It was just Brit." I brush it off

We watch the movie before heading to bed. Jordyn and Miles going to their room, Gracie going to the guest room, and Logan coming to bed with me. 

"No funny business tonight." I change into the PJs and get into bed. 

"You don't have to worry about me." He gets in next to me.

I lay on my back and he started to rub it, making me fall asleep instantly. 

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