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Since we were in Australia in December it was hot as hell. I put on a skirt, pairing it with a tank top and some small heels. 

A knock on the door lets me know she's here.

"Chris, I'm leaving." I walk out of the bathroom and kiss him on the cheek. 

"Okay babe, I'll see ya'." I walk to the door and open it.

I look up to see Logan, "Logan, what are you doing here?" I sigh.

"Chris is in here, right? Or do you guys sleep in different rooms?" He looks down at me. 

"Haha, so funny," I say sarcastically. He starts to laugh, which made me laugh, "You are such an asshole." I open the door the rest of the way, "He's in the living room."

Logan walks in, going to Chris, "Why are you even here? You didn't answer me."

"I'm here to see my new buddy. We're staying in while you girls go out." I roll my eyes as I hear the door knock again. 

"Okay, I'm gone." I grab my purse and open the door.

"Ready?" I looked up at Catherine, except it wasn't her. "Logan, why are you inviting people to my hotel room."

"Come on DJ, I'm your friend too." 

I roll my eyes, "Why are you here, Miles?" He smiles.

"Logan invited me." He walks in. 

I sigh, "Who else did he invite?"

"Just us," Gracie says, walking in with a bottle of wine. Jordyn followed in behind her. 

"I'm just going to go to her." I excuse myself.

I walk down the hall to her hotel room, "We're coming with." Jordyn says from down the hall.

"Uh, no you're not. This is something me and her are doing, it's so Logan and I could try to be friends for once." I pause, "So no, you are not coming with me. I love you both but go back with the boys."

I turn to the hotel door and knock. She opens the door, Her tall frame taking up the doorway. "Sorry if I'm early, my room was taken over." I give a half smile.

"Yeah, I sent Logan away. He wouldn't stop talking, he just kept going on, and on, and on." I laugh.

"He does that when he sees something or someone he likes."

"You think he likes me?" Her brows furrow.

"Could I come in?" She nods, moving out of the way. I walk in, "I do, but not like you like him." I give the harsh truth.

"That's nice to hear." She scoffs.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry."

She shakes her head, "No I get it, he'll never like me like he loves you." She takes a deep breath, "You know I'm not feeling very good, raincheck?"

"Uh yeah, do you need anything?" 

She shakes her head, "I'm fine." I walk to the door, leaving her in the room.

I walk down the long hallway, thinking about the words I used. I used my key card and opened the door. I softly close it behind me, walking to the living room.

"Babe?" I hear Chris's voice.

"Uh, yeah." I walk into the room.

"Why are you here?" Logan asks.

"She said she didn't feel well, so I left."

"Is she ok? I'm going to check on her." He stands up.

"Don't, I just said some stuff. I don't think she wants to be around either of us right now." I sit in between Chris and Logan.

"what the hell did you say to make her upset? She's like a robot." Gracie jokes, being nosey. 

"She was talking about Logan yapping so I told her that it's something you do when you see something/someone you like." I look at Chris, "Just talk to her later." He nods and goes back to watching whatever movie is on. 

"This is my favorite part." Gracie stands up. 

"Grace, the movies over." Miles looks over at her.

"Exactly, I was tired of seeing Daisy kiss that nasty man." As soon as she said that the song I wrote for the movie. 

"Y'all are seriously watching that?" I laugh.

"One of your best." Logan winks at me.

 "It's the only one I have, for now."


Last night we went a little too crazy with the drinks. 

I woke up the light blinding me. I squint as I sit up, trying to figure out where I am. 

I look and see both Logan and Chris lying next to me, one on each side. I tried to scoot down only to realize someone, Miles, was lying across the end of the bed. I sigh as I try to stand up or crawl across Chris. 

I take a deep breath as I gather myself and walk back out into the common area. I rub my eyes, still trying to find everyone. 

I hear a knock on the door and I see both Gracie and Jordyn jump up. I laugh at them as I walk over to the door, unlocking, it and then opening it. 

"Catherine?" She holds up a paper bag.

"You drunk-dialed me saying to bring bagels in the morning." She smiles. I open the door more and let her in. "What happened to your pants?" She looks me up and down. 

I followed her eyes and realized I only had on panties and a tank top, "Good question." I look around, "Uh, Logans in the room. Chris might be half naked and Miles is on the end of the best so just be careful." 

She nods walking into the bedroom. 


"Logan, babe?" I was shaken out of my sleep, out of the best dream of my life. I open my eyes, wanting to see Daisy. 

"Hey, I brought bagels." Catherine sits on the edge of the bed.

"Thank you." I grab her hand. 

She stands up, kisses my forehead, then walks back out. 

Just as she left, Daisy walked in. Instead of coming over to me, she went to Chris, gently shaking him awake. They say a few quiet words before she turns around. I took a moment to take in what she was wearing. 

I watch as he grabs her thigh, pulling her in closer to him. She laughs as he kisses her. 

Rolling my eyes, I get out of bed and walk out into the common area. 


We were walking along some beaches, taking in the views, when I saw Miles take Jordyn away from the group. They walk a little further ahead of us, just them two. 

We watch as they stop walking and he gets down on one knee.

"No way." Gracie gasps. He says things we can't hear before she nods and he puts the ring on her finger. I look over and see Chris holding onto Daisy for dear life as she videos the moment. 

Jordyn walks over to us crying, Daisy and Gracie rushing, pulling her into a hug. 

"Congratulations Miles." Catherine looks up at him. 

"It's about time." I pull him for a hug.

"Your turn next." He whispers into my ear. I think back to years ago when I got a ring I never got to use.  

He pulls out a velvet bag and hands it to me, "Open it." That is all he says. 

I pull out a gold bracelet, 'Best Man." It said. 

"Will you be my best man?" He asked,

 "Fuck yeah." I laugh, putting the bracelet on. 

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