You're on your own, kid

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I walk into the stadium, getting into my opening outfit. I walk out of my dressing room and see Jordyn, Miles, Gracie, Logan, and his new girlfriend. "Hey." I look up, "Logan?" I haven't talked to him in over a month. 

"Hope you don't mind Dais, I saw them walking around on the way over." Jordyn kisses my cheek.

"Of course not." I look at Cathrine, "It's nice to meet you." I extend my hand, introducing myself like we haven't met yet. 

"Hi, I'm Cathrine." She shakes my hand. 

"You ready? Opening night!" Britney walks past us, "Oh, Logan." She pauses in front of us.

"Hey Brit." He smiles.

"Ok Daisy, you have an hour."

I nod as she walks off, "There's some wine in there if you guys want to have a pre-show drink." I smile. 

They accept and walk into the dressing room.

Logan and Miles try walking in behind, "Sorry, girls only." I put my hand on Logan's chest, keeping him back.

"Kill it tonight, girl." He winks and walks off, Miles following. 

I walk into the dressing room, and all the girls looking at me. "What?" Gracie's smiling, 


"So, Cathy, can I call you Cathy?" Jordyn asks.

 "I guess."

"Ok, so Cathy, how did you can Logan meet?" She takes a sip from her glass.

"Mutual friends." She smiles. 

"Guys I'm about to go on stage, why do y'all head to the tent? Take everyone with you Jordyn." She nods and they leave. Once the door shuts, my breath picks up as I try to calm down. 

I open my medicine bottle, taking one of the pills. I walk around my dressing room, warming up my voice. 

I hear a knock on my door, "Who is it?"

"It's Miles." He comes in, "What's wrong, Jordyn said you were off." I shake my head.

"It's nothing." I give a fake smile. These past five, or six years, I've looked up to him as my brother. He tries his best to help me through my anxiety and getting over Logan. 

"Daisy." He hugs me.

"I thought we were getting somewhere, I thought we were back to our old selves." I shake my head. 

"Just give him time." I look at him.

"How? I lost him for so long, and now he's in love with a new girl. Why did he have to bring her here?"

"He's not in love, trust me." We pull away.

"She told me he didn't want to see me in the hospital and then he shows up acting like nothing happened." I take a deep breath, "I've got to get on stage." I walk out of my dressing room.

 "Thanks, Miles." We go our separate ways.


After the show,  I went back to my dressing room to meet up with the group again. I told Jordyn to come back to the dressing room with everyone. 

It took them about thirty minutes to get here and inside. I look at Logan who had a pinky lipstick smudged on his neck and lips. 

"You killed it, DJ." Miles sits next to me.

"I tried my hardest." I give a haft smile, trying to keep my eyes off Logan.

My legs shake as I stand up, "Uh, can someone help get me out of this bodysuit?" I look around, making eye contact with Logan. 

"I'll help." He stands up, Catherine pulling his arm. "It's fine." He tells her.

I take a deep breath walking behind the curtain, Logan closing it behind us. "Someone else could've helped, why you?" I look up at him.

"I wanted to." I turn around and he unzips me, "I'll be at tomorrow night's show too, with the others if that's ok?" 

I nod, "Yeah that's fine, the tent is for everyone."

The body suit slides down and I put on some more comfortable clothes. We walk out from behind the curtain, all eyes on us. "Uh, do you guys want to go out for dinner?" I ask.

"I'm down," Miles says and the others chime in. 

I leave the dressing room and look at Antonio, "Hey, can you take us up the road? To the Italian place?" He nods and I wave for everybody to come with. 

We get out of the car, and the paparazzi go crazy as we walk into the restaurant.  

They took us to the back table and brought drinks over. 

"Can we just talk about that amazing opening night performance?" Jordyn smiles. 

"Yeah Daisy, didn't know you were such a performer." Catherine shoots me a look, Logan grabbing her hand. I look down at my water, embarrassed.

"Dais, you good babe?" I nod, "Yeah, just tired from the show." I need something to get me through the night. 

We looked over the menu as Jordyn kept talking about my show, "I'm just amazed. I've been watching you for seven years and I still can't get over it." 

"Even if all your songs are about the same thing," Catherine whispers.

"Excuse me?" I look at her  

"I'm just saying, all your songs are about the same person, and they sound the same."

I sigh before explaining, "Yes, my songs are about the same person, who I thought I would still be with, and yes my songs sound the same with the same boring uptempo beat." I take a breath, "And of course the song about my friend(s) dying sounds like the same song I talk about marrying your boyfriend." I try to keep my voice low. 

"Now if you excuse me, I much rather be somewhere else." I stand up, leaving the restaurant. 


"I'll be right back." Miles follows her.

"You just had to poke the bear." I finish my beer off and ask for the bill.

I pay and we all walk out of the restaurant, my car waiting for us. 

When we got back to my house, everything blew up. "Why do you always stick up for her?" She puts her coat up.

"Because she's my best friend, and how dare you insult her music, her career."

"Well, your 'friend' is on the side of the street throwing up right now, not very professional huh?" She shoves her phone in my face.

"Catherine, stop." I put my hand up.

"Heather told me to keep her away, she told you to stay away. Why don't you listen?"

"Because I love her." I say, "She's the love of my life, is that what you wanted to hear?" She shakes her head. 

"She left you." She throws that in my face.

"And? That's none of your business!"  She storms away.

"Logan?" I turn around and see Gracie.


"Are you okay?" She looks up at me.

 "Yeah, what happened to you? you just disappeared." We sit on the couch.

"I wanted the true fan experience, I walked home." She shrugs.

"You're so weird." I laugh. 

We sit in silence before she says, "So you're in love with her still?" I take a deep breath.

"How could I not be? Catherine doesn't understand." 

"You guys have a strange and special kind of love." She stands up, "Goodnight, have to rejuvenate for tomorrow." She stretches.

 "You do that." I watch as she walks up the stairs. 

Maybe I can explain myself better tomorrow.  

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