Midnight Rain

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Without the help of James, I tried cooking dinner for tonight (Which I burned).

The whole thing ended up with us fighting and me cooking a pizza. I sip on my wine as I watch James just sit and scroll on his phone. "Daisy, stop looking at me like that. I said I was sorry." He doesn't look up from his phone. 

"I just don't understand why you won't just help me sometimes." 

He sighs, "Because you don't ask." His voice was getting louder.

"I did, multiple times?!" There's a knock on the door, "He's here." I say, glaring at him. 

I walk over to the door and open it. Except it was Logan, it was Gracie. 


"Hey Daisy, Logan is over on the phone. I hope it's okay I came along." I hug her.

 "Of course, I've missed you." I open my eyes and see Logan looking at us. 

I pull away from Gracie and she goes inside, "Hey Daisy." He smiles. 

"Hi." My brain melts as he smiles, I've missed him so much. 

"I hope you don't mind, but we're eating pizza. I burnt what we were originally going to have." I walk inside, him following. 

"That's wonderful." 

"Does anybody want drinks? Wine, beer, anything?" James bumps in, "Babe, let me handle the drinks." Really? That's what you want to handle. "Alright, can you bring the wine over then?" He nods. 

"Do you know you have paparazzi outside right now?" Gracie leans in.

"Yeah, they kind of stay out there some nights, It's the same in New York"

"I don't know how you do it. That seems like a-"

Logan cuts her off, "Gracie, what did I say."

James sets down the wine and I pour some for both Gracie and me. "I'm just used to it I guess." I shrug, "But the way I see it is that I've made it in the industry and I'm still relevant."

"So Logan." James started in as soon as I stopped talking. I decide to not listen, getting up and checking on the pizza. 


It was around midnight when we decided to split up for the night, "Let me walk you guys down." I offer, walking out the door with them. I go onto the elevator, my legs shaking as we go down. 

We get down to the front entry, looking out the window. "Holy shit," Gracie says as thunderclaps.

"It looks pretty bad out, why don't you just stay here tonight?" I offer not wanting them to go out in this weather. 

"It'll be ok." Logan dismisses the idea.

"No, as your friend I can't let y'all drive out in that."

"She's right Logan, it's bad." Gracie looks up at him. 

He sighs, "Okay, let's go." I smile and we get back on the elevator, I try to keep it together as the elevator raises back up.   

Walking back into the living room, James pulls me aside. "Can we talk?" I nod and we walk into the bedroom. "Why are they still here?" 

I sigh, "The weather is really bad, they don't need to go out in it." He shakes his head.

"They are grown, they can handle a little rain." 

"Look, they're my friends and I want them to stay, and if you don't like that." I pause, thinking of my next choice of words, "Then maybe you should leave." 

It's Always Been UsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora