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Logan never called me back last night, I wonder what happened.

I walked into the stadium, looking at the big stage I was performing on. "Daisy, you're here." Britney walks up to me.

"Yeah, I am. Was I late?" She shakes her head.

"No, let's just get to rehearsing."


I was sitting at home, recovering from rehearsing the whole show. I turned on Logan's game and poured a glass of wine.

"Looks like we have Catherine Jenkins in the suite tonight, taking Daisy's seat," The reporter says and the camera pans up to her. She's smiling down at him.

So this is why he never called back, I thought we were getting somewhere.

My phone rings, "Hello?" I answer.

"Daisy.." Jordyn's voice is sad.

 "I saw, it's ok."

"But." I cut her off.

"But nothing, we weren't together." I hang up

I look at all the paparazzi photos of the two of them. I wish I was in her place, not stuck being a crazy cat lady. 

I watch as he runs, the ball in his hand. Someone runs into him, knocking him to the ground hard. "Fuck, Logan." I cover my mouth as he doesn't move, "Come on, move." I whisper to myself as the paramedics rush to the field. 

He starts moving again and my heart starts back up. 

He'll be ok


I got off my plane in LA, flowers in my hand. I found out which hospital he's in right now, thanks to Miles. 

My driver drops me off at the entrance and I walk in. "Can I help you?" The lady at the front desk asks.

"I'm here to see Logan Parker." 

"Relation to the patient?" She types something into the computer. 

"Uh, I'm just a friend." I smile.

"Sign in and put this sticker on." She hands me a visitor's sticker, "He's in room 213."

 I sign the paper and thank Ber before walking down to his room. I knock before entering. I see the beautiful redhead from the game, "Hey, I'm Daisy. I just wanted to see how he's doing" I introduced myself.

"I know who you are." She looks me up and down, "He's asleep, did you need something?"

I place the flowers and the note on the table. "I just wanted to visit, but I'll come back."

"No need, he's leaving tomorrow." She walks me to the door. 

I nod, "OK, thanks." I walk out of the room, looking back once more to see him before she closes the door on me.


I woke up, the room cold. "Hey." Catherine's voice was soft. 

My eyes open more, looking into her green eyes. "Who was in here?" 

She shrugs, "Just a nurse." 

I look over and see the flowers on the table, "Who brought those?" I ask.

"I did." She smiles.

"Has Daisy come yet?" I just wanted to see Daisy. 

"No baby, she doesn't want to travel here. You'll be ok."

I stare at the flowers, the poppies, like her cat. I see the small note attached to the base, "What's the note say?"

She reaches over, throwing it away. "It's nothing, get some more rest." 


The next day, I was half asleep when I heard voices arguing, "He doesn't want to see you." She says sharply.

"Did he tell you that?" I couldn't make out the voice. 

"Go away." She shuts the door. 

"Who was that?" I try to sit up

"It was nobody." She lays me back down. 


It's been a week and I finally get to go home from the hospital. Daisy hasn't visited me once, which made me sad but I understand why she wouldn't wanna come. I still haven't been able to explain anything.  

I walked into my house, Gracie coming up to me. "Logan, how are you feeling?" She hugs me.

"I'm good" I nod.

"Like good for next month still?" She has a smile.

"What's next month?" Catherine enters the conversation.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I walk upstairs, and Gracie follows behind. 

"I'm not going anymore," I tell her, sitting down on my bed. 

"What? Why? I've had these tickets for weeks, do you know how hard it was to get them?"

"She didn't come and visit me, I'm not visiting her." I flat out say.

"What do you mean?" She shakes her head. 

"She didn't visit me in the hospital, so I'm not going."

She takes a deep breath before saying, "I don't care what every shit you guys have, but we're going."

She storms out of my room, I dial Miles' number. 

"Yellow?" He jokes.

"Hey buddy, how are you?" I smile.

"Me? How are you?" I laugh.

"I'm good, just got out of the hospital today." I hear a bunch of background noise as he says.

"I thought you got out last week?" The background noise was louder. It was someone talking, or singing, I couldn't tell. 

"Last week? What?" I look around my room, trying to find new clothes. "Never mind."

"Anyways, your new chick is crazy." He laughs.

"I know, I miss her." He knows who she is, I at least hope so.

"I know you do." His voice was sympathetic, "Want to talk to her?" He asks and the noise stops.

"No, no. I have to go anyways." I rub my face, "I'll call you later." I hang out and walk into the bathroom. I start up the shower, taking my clothes off.

I give myself to think about how much this is hurting her, I need to explain to her what's happening. I get out of the shower and go to Gracie's room, "I'll go." I sigh.

"You were going to go if you wanted to or not. I'm serious I would've dragged you there." I laugh, "I'm serious Logan, this means a lot to me." 

"I know, I just don't know how to explain this whole thing to her and I think I'm just scared to see her again and face the truth." She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"Just be straight up." She holds up a dress, "Now, is this what I should wear?"

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