So long, London

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I woke up, the morning light coming in through the curtains. I look next to me and see Logan peacefully sleeping. 

I lift my hand, rubbing his stubble with my fingertips. I rest my chin on his chest as I watch him. 

"Daisy baby." He says.

 "Hmm." I hum out my response. 

"Quite watching me." His eyes open as he stares down at me.

"Never." I sit up.

"What time is it?" He asks. I pick up my phone and see many missed calls from Jordyn and Miles.

"Uh, it's eleven. I have to take these calls." I stand up and go out on the balcony. 

I press Miles's contact, "Hello?" He answers.

"Miles, what happened? Why'd you call so much?" I was worried.

"I just wanted to see how London's going." He answers casually.

I shake my head, "So you call five million times?" I look out at the city.

"Why did you sleep so late?" He asks

 "Why are you up so early? Isn't it like six there?" I hear the glass door open and Logan holds me from behind.

"I had a long night." I sigh, smiling.

Logan kisses the side of my head, mumbling, "Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, long night. I get it, is it one of those London boys?" Logan wraps his arms around my waist. 

I laugh, "Miles no, it wasn't one of those nights." I lean into his touch, "Why is Jordyn calling me so much?"

"She wanted to know why there are pictures of you and Logan going around." My heart drops, "He's wearing a suit? Can't remember the last time I've seen him in one." I remember the photoshoot from yesterday.

"We're in a movie together, it's dumb." I shake my head as his hands move up my stomach.

"It's not dumb, it's cute. You look happy again." 

I look up at Logan, "Yeah, uh, Miles let me call you back." I quickly hang up.

I go on my tiptoes and press my lips against his. I feel his hand travel down to my butt then my thighs, picking me up and taking me to the bed.

He takes my shirt off, "Fuck, Daisy." He groans. 


"Logan, we have to go!" I walk into his apartment.

"Hold on!" I hear him turn the shower off. 

He walks out of the bathroom, his hair slicked back and towel hanging low. I shake out of my dirty thoughts as he walks into his room. "You have five minutes to be dressed and ready to go." I searched through his fridge, looking for food or something. 

I take an apple out and take a bite, "OK, let's go." He grabs his keys and we leave. 

We pull up to the studio and I see Britney waiting outside. I get out of the car and she scurries me into the studio, "Are you sure you want to be seen with him?" She whispers. 

"Excuse me?" She leads me to my dressing room. I open the door and see a woman sitting in my chair.

I look back at Britney, who shuts the door. "Hi, Daisy." She stands up.

"Hey, who are you?" I sit in my chair and start to get ready for today's scenes. 

"I'm Heather." She says and it clicks, she's his Britney. 

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