All you had to do was stay

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I walk into the stadium, holding hands with Jordyn and Camila. I hear the cameras clicking as we walk by and fans trying to get my attention. I let go of Jordyn's hand, giving everyone small waves. 

We walked up to the suite where Miles was, "Hey girls." He looks up from his phone. He gets up and walks over to Jordyn, "I can't wait to marry you next week." He smiles. I admire them. Camila and I walk over to the couches. 

I look at the small TV in the corner and see that they have us on the screen. I feel as Camila puts her hand high up on my thigh. I pick her hand up, moving it off. 

"They have us on the TV," I whisper through my teeth. She changes her body language, now mad at me. "Camila, can we please not do this right now?" I said as soon and we weren't being shown anymore. 

"I just don't get it, are you embarrassed of me?" She doesn't look at me.

"Of course not, but I haven't come out yet. It's not easy." 

She rolls her eyes, "Don't tell me it's not easy, I know it's not considering people know I'm gay." Her tone gets louder.

"Can you please lower your voice." everyone in the suite was not looking at us. 

"I'll do you one better, I'm leaving. We're over Daisy." She grabs her purse and walks out.

 "Camila, wait." I try to go after her. 

"No Daisy, I can't be with someone who won't accept that they are with me." She walks out, slamming the door behind her. 

I turn back around and see everyone staring at me, "Can I help you guys?" They all look away. 

The door opens again and I quickly look up, hoping it was Camila but it was just Catherine. 

I groan and walk to the couches. "What happened?" I hear her whisper to the others. 

"Camila broke up with her." They whisper back. 

They say some more words before I feel a presence next to me. I look up and see Catherine standing next to me. She hands me a drink, "Here, I'm sorry she dumped you." I take a sip. 

"It's whatever." I look straight in front of me.

"You'll find someone better, someone who's meant for you." My mind went straight to Logan. 

"Yeah maybe." I watch as they run onto the field. 


After the game we met up with Logan back at his house, "I can't believe you guys get married next weekend." I take a bite of pizza.

"I know, it's crazy. Is Hazel still doing my glam?" I nod. 

"Yeah, she texted me this morning confirming." I watch as Logan walks over. 

"I hear about what happened with Camila." He sits next to me, puts his arm around my shoulder, and pulls me in for a side hug. 

"It ok, the world won't end because some girl isn't happy I'm not public out." I rest my head on his shoulder. 

"You do know there's photos and videos of you guys at Usher going around?" Gracie says.

"Are you serious?" She shows me her phone. It was the video of us dancing and when we kissed. 

"Great." I sigh.

"You can barely tell that you." Logan shakes his head. 

I stood up and went upstairs, I need a moment to myself. I go into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. "Daisy?" Catherine's voice fills my ears. 

"Yeah?" My voice shakes. 

"Can you unlock the door?" I take a deep breath, walk over to the door, and unlock it. She opens the door and walks in, closing it behind her. 

"I'm sorry she dumped you." I roll my eyes.

 "It's not that big of a deal." I groan, "Is that the only reason you came up here? To tell me you're sorry?"

She hesitates before saying, "I'm divorcing Logan." I whip around. 

"What? Why?" I shake my head, "You guys belong together."

"No, we don't, you guys do. He will always be your boyfriend no matter what." I sigh, walking closer to her.

"Catherine, you guys are happy together."

"No, we're not, we fight all the time. It's draining being around him right now." I pull her in for a hug, "I don't want your sympathy, I'm ok." She pulls away from me, "I'm breaking it off with him tonight, once everyone leaves."


I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through my emails. Everyone left a couple of hours ago so I was just waiting for time to pass. I've been sleeping on the couch for a couple of days now since Catherine kicked me out of our room. 

"Logan, we need to talk." She walks down the stairs. 

"About?" She sits next to me. 

"I want a divorce." She says straight up. 

"Why? I thought we had finally worked out everything."

She shakes her head, "Logan, we aren't right for each other. I talked to Heather and she's ok with it. You need to be with the one you love." She runs her fingers through her hair, "It's Daisy."

"No, it's not Catherine." 

"I see the way you still look at her, the way you talk to her." 

I cut her off, "It means nothing." 

"We all know it means something." She stands up, "I have my bags packed and a new place set up for me." She walks up the stairs. I follow her, if she's going to leave I can at least help her. 


"That's the last one." I put the box in the car, "I'm sorry I couldn't be your perfect husband." I pull her in for a hug. 

"It's ok, you can always be one for someone else." She lets go, backing up. She closes the trunk and walks over to the driver's side. 

"Let me know when you get to where you're going safely." She nods and gets into her car. 

I watch as she drives off, the gates closing behind her. 

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