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Last night I told Catherine she should take Daisy out for drinks since she didn't while we were in Australia and I think that it went well, I saw the paparazzi photos of them laughing and holding hands. "Ok guys, this party has to be good. She's been stressed out lately and she needs to let loose for the day." We were sitting in a club that I had bought out for the night. 

"Logan, don't worry. We got this." Jordyn takes something off her key ring, "Now go distract her for the day." She hands me a key.

"I just want it to be perfect." I fidget with the key.

"And it will be. Logan, I'm serious I have it handled." 

"Ok." I turn around. I was halfway out the door before I turned back around and said, "Just don't forget.-" 

She cuts me off, "Logan, go away." I nod and walk the rest of the way out. 

I walked down the street and headed to her apartment. I wasn't that far from the club, close enough to see a group of paparazzi standing outside. 

I was trying to get to the front door but people were blocking me, "Excuse me, guys." I try to push my way through. I hear the cameras go off as I walk through the front door. I climb up the stairs, skipping some. I haven't seen or heard from them yet today. 

I unlocked the front door and opened it, it was very quiet. Closing the door behind me, I look around. I see Catherine lying on the floor, a bottle of tequila next to her. 

I rush to her side, "Catherine, babe?" I shake her. 

"I'm alive don't worry, I'm too tired to get up." She groans.

"It's almost noon," I tell her.

"I know, I've been here since ten." I brush the hair out of her face. 

I stand up, walking over to Daisy. Her face was like an angel, even with smudged makeup. 


"Daisy." The voice whispers as they softy shake me.

"Hmm." I groan, opening my eyes slightly. 

"Daisy baby, wake up." 

Without opening my eyes I ask, "What time is it?"

"Time for you to wake up." I open my eyes the rest of the way, being blinded by the sunlight. I rub my eyes, trying to get them to adjust. When they finally do I see Logan squatted down in front of me. I sit up, looking around. 

I see Cathrine lying on the floor, her red hair scattered everywhere. "Oh my God, is she alive?"

"She's ok." I take a deep breath before standing up. 

"Oh god." I rush to the bathroom. Struggling to make it, I throw up in the toilet. I feel a soft hand on my back, slightly being rubbed. 

"How much did you guys drink?"

"Too much, but it was so much fun." I smile up at him, "She loves you Logan, like a lot." I stand up, looking in the mirror. 

"I know." He whispers, standing next to me. 

I look at my appearance, mascara smudged, hair knotted, and my dress still on. I lean over, washing my face. "Are you ok to go out still?" 

I nod, "Yeah." I brush my teeth and take my medicine. 

"Good, this will be your best birthday ever." He smiles. I walk back out into the living room, going over to Cathrine. 

I crouch down and slightly shake her, "Catherine?"

"I awake, I just am too comfortable to get up." 

I laugh, "Do you want me to help you get up?" She nods. I pull her up, with the help of Logan.  

"Thank you." She sits up straight.

"Do you have any plans today?" I ask her.

"Shit, I have to go." She tried to get up as fast as she could, "I'll see you guys later." She stumbles out. 

I walk over to the kitchen and get a glass of water. "What do you want to do today?" I ask. He turns around and pulls out a velvet box, "What's that?"

"your gift." He handed it to me.

"You didn't have to." I smile, opening it. I pull out a vintage gold watch. 

"I did, I said it's going to be your best. that includes your gift." I walk over, putting my arms around his neck. 

"Thank you," I say into his neck. 

I lean back, looking up into his eye. The deep blue hue hypnotized me, "You should probably get ready." He whispers.

"Yeah." I unhook my arm and step back. 


It was dark out, Logan and I had just been hanging out for the afternoon but he told me I had to dress up. 

I put on a white sleeveless dress with a black bow tied in the back. I paired it with some black, elbow-length, gloves. 

I put on the jewelry and heels and walk out into the living room, "Good?" I ask Logan. He looks up from his phone, his eyes scanning me. 

"You look beautiful Daisy baby." He walks up to me. I look up at him, smiling wide. "You ready to go?" I nod and grab my pocketbook.  

We leave the apartment, walk down the stairs, and exit the back way. 

I get into the car, Logan shutting the door behind me. He gets in the other side and Antonio gets in the driver's seat, "Happy birthday Miss Daisy." He smiles.

"Thank you so much, Antonio." I smile as he drives off. 

We pull up to the place and Logan gets out. He walks around the car, opening up the door for me. I take a deep breath before stepping out. The cameras go crazy and the paparazzi say a mixture of things. I wave to everyone, smiling at them. 

"Happy birthday to you." One of them started singing and before I knew it all of them were.

"Guys." I cover my mouth. I walk closer to the entrance, "Thank you so much." I wave before walking in.  

"Surprise!" Everyone yells as the door shuts behind me. 

I laugh as I bend over, "Oh my, I love you guys." I rush over to hug everyone as cameras flash. 

Everyone was there, the whole group, my producers, the cast from the movie, it was amazing. Jordyn walks over holding some shots, "Here you go birthday girl." She hands me one. 

I laugh as I cheer with her. I take it, my throat burning as it goes down. "Happy birthday Daisy." Britney hugs me.

"Thank you, Britney."

"Don't forget, tomorrow you announce the album." She puts her hands on my shoulders. 

"Don't worry, I got it." I smile. 


I stumble up the stairs on the way up to the apartment, Logan standing behind me helping me.

"We're almost there." He holds me up.

"I'm just going to sleep right here." I try to sit. 

"Nope." He picks me up, carrying me the rest of the way. We get to the top and he unlocks the door, opening it up. He takes me to my room, setting me down in my bed. 

"Come here." I pull him by his belt loop. 

He stumbles on top of me and I giggle, "No Daisy." He stands back up. 

"Logan." I look up into his eyes, "I'm still in love with you." 

He shakes his head, "Don't say that if you don't mean it." He sighs.

"I mean it, I'm so deeply in love with you."

"I can't, we can't." He closes his eyes, rubbing his forehead. He leans down and kisses my forehead, "I'll see you in LA for the premier." He whispers before walking out. 

I lay on my back, looking up at the ceiling before finally passing out.

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