Illicit Affairs

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I sit on the plane, across from Chris. 

My 'boyfriend'

"I'm glad we're finally talking." He smiles, I've always had a little crush on him but never acted on it. 

"Me too, I'm sorry that we are going to Australia for business." We met back in college but I've known who he was in high school. 

"No, don't be. As long as I get to hang out with you, I'm okay with it."

After a long while we landed in Australia and got off the plane. The paparazzi were waiting on the tarmac. We walk off the plane, cameras going crazy.

I grab his hand, holding it as we walk to the car. He opens the car door for me and we get in. "So we are going to the hotel, then straight to the studio." 

"Sounds good, you sure it's ok if I tag along?" I put my hand on his knee.

 "Of course it is." We arrive at the hotel and the paparazzi are also there somehow. We get out of the car and he gets my bag for me, carrying it inside. The doors close behind us and the air conditioning cools us off quickly. 

"Oh, Daisy" A voice comes from next to me.

"Cathrine, so good to see you again." I fake a smile.

"Daisy!" Logan comes walking down near the entrance, smiling wide and hands up in the air. 

"Hello, Logan." I shift uncomfortably, grabbing Chris's hand. "Uh, this is Chris." I introduce him, "My boyfriend." We haven't really labeled anything but I told Logan I had one. 

His hand moves out of mine and around my waist. "So this is the boyfriend you've been talking about." He looks down at Chris, due to him being a little bit shorter.

"Okay, we're going to check in." I excuse us. we would go to the front desk, get our key card, and head to the elevator. 

"Going up too?" Logan appears next to us.

 "Dear lord." I whisper before looking next to me and I give a small smile, "Yup." I kept my answer short.

"You know, you look really good in your interview." He whispers in my ear. 

"Where's your wife?" I look up at him, shooting daggers. He shrugs as the door opens and we walk in. 

"What floor?" Chris asks.

"Thirteen," Logan replies. 

Chris hits the buttons and says, "No way, our too."

Oblivious as hell


"Ok, fuck it, I'm in love with you." I look up at Logan, "Say something." A tear falls down my cheek.

"I have been in love with you since I first set eyes on you." I roll my eyes, leaning up to kiss him.

"And, cut!" The director says, "We'll work more tomorrow, but until then you have interviews." He claps standing up.

 I turn away, wiping my mouth. "Come on, is kissing me that revolting now?" he comes up behind me  

I ignore him as I keep walking to my dressing room. "Daisy, stop." He keeps me from closing the door.

"What do you need, I have to get changed."

"I want to be your friend, I need to." I shake my head.

 "No, you don't Logan." I try closing the door again but he stops me again, "There's no way we can be friends." 

"Yes, there is." He smiles, "Give me a few hours." He walks away.


"Catherine, you need to put whatever you have against Daisy and be her friend." I sit across from her in the dressing room.

"Yeah, I'm not doing that." She looks up from her phone.

"You were mentioned in an interview Daisy did and she didn't say one bad thing about you, despite how rude you are to her." I defended her.

"Because it's the right thing to do in this industry." She rolls her eyes, looking back down at her phone. 

"Not one look showed her true feelings about you, I don't get why you can't just fake it like she does." She comes closer to me.

 "Fine but only because I love you." She smiles kissing me. I smile back before saying.

"I got to get dressed." She walks out of the dressing room and I change into a black suit. I walk back out and see Daisy and Chris walking out of her dressing room, red lipstick smudged on both their lips. 

We make eye contact and she smiles. 

"Ready?" I walk up to her. She nods and we walk over to the conference room. Before we went in I stopped her, "Look up." I tell her. 

She does so and I lick my thumb. I move it to her outer lips, trying to fix her lipstick. "Dude, what are you doing.?" She smacks my hand away. 

"Your lipstick is smudged, I'm trying to help you look good." She sighs and relaxes. 

Once I fix it up. we walk into the room and sit down in the two chairs in front of the movie poster. 

"Daisy, it's nice to see you again." The lady in the chair says.

"Hi, Tara." She smiles.

 "Today's interview is like how well you guys know each other."

I laugh, "This should be easy." I say as the camera gets ready.

 "And go." the person behind it said. 

"Hi, I'm Daisy Jones." She says, looking over at me. "And I'm Logan Parker." I smile.

"And we play Mia and Elliott in the new movie 'The Love Battle'."

"And I'm Tara from ET." She says from next to us, "Today we are going to see how well they know each other." She grabs her note cards and looks back up at us, "Okay Logan, What is Daisy's favorite thing to do on her days off."

"She never takes a day off, but she spends a lot of her free time in a studio or she's out with her friends." I look over at her.

"I spend all my time doing something, I hate being still."

"Well, we see that you are always very active." Tara laughs, "Okay now, Daisy, who is Logan's favorite musician."

"I would love to say me, but I know deep down it's Ariana Grande." I laugh.

 "She just has those magical vocals."


We finish the interview and go back out into the studio, "See we can be friends." I see her roll her eyes.

"Whatever." She walks off, over to Chris. She kisses him and they leave. 

"Oh shoot, I was going to ask to have a sleepover tonight." I hear the sarcasm in Catherine's voice.

 "No, don't do that." I walk off, and she follows behind. 

We walk to my car, "Real classy." Catherine says from behind me. I look up and see Daisy being pinned up against the wall, making out with Chris.

"Y'all couldn't wait to get to the hotel, huh?" Catherine yells out.

"Leave them be." I laugh as she walks up to them, me following behind. 

"Daisy." She takes a deep breath, "Do you want to go out for dinner with me?" She sounded nice for once.

"Are you serious, or just messing with me?" She pushes Chris back a little.

 "No, I'm serious. Let's go out have some drinks, hang out just the girls." She smiles at Daisy.

"I guess that would be nice, When?"

"Tonight, I'll come by your room to pick you up." She grabs my hand, taking me to the car. I open the door for her and she gets in.

 Closing it behind her, I look at Daisy. I give her a small smile before getting in the driver's seat and driving off. 

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