Welcome to New York

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I had just gotten off my plane in New York when my phone rang, "Hello?" I answer.

"Daisy." I hear the smile in his voice. 

"What do you need Logan?"

"I was just out and about, what are you doing right now?" I rub my forehead. 

"I just got back to New York," I say a quiet thank you to Antonio as I get into the car. 

"Why? Did you go back I mean."

 Rolling my eyes I say, "Because, I have cats to get to and a job to do."

"Cats? Like more than one?" We pull up the my apartment.

"It's going to be loud, people are outside but I'll FaceTime you when I get inside." I grab my bag, trying to rush into the building. "Okay," I say, taking my phone away from my ear and pressing the FaceTime button. 

When he answers I turn the camera around and follow the cats, "This is Bella, Poppy, Simon, and Zeus." 

"Four? Crazy cat lady much?" He smiles, "I might just have to come over to meet them." He tries to flirt. 

"I don't know, maybe." I smile back at him. 

"Look, I have to go. I'll text you." I nod.

"Okay, bye." He hangs up. I sit on the couch, confused about my feelings. 


It's been a couple of weeks since Logan and I talked. I miss having someone to talk to every day or just talking to him in general. 

I tie my hair up and lace my shoes. My gym was closed due to renovations so, the streets it is. 

Once I got past the paparazzi, I started my run, trying to keep a good pace. 

I was running for about thirty minutes before I ran into something or someone. I look up, getting ready to apologize. "You should really what where you're going, babe."

"Logan." I give a haft smile, "Why are you in New York?" I wipe the sweat off my forehead.

 "I had a game last night, Did you not watch it?" 

I fell asleep before I could, "Yeah." I lie.

"How much longer you got?" He asks, pointing at my outfit.

 "I can be done now if you want to hang out or something." I shrug. 

"Yeah, I'll follow you where ever." I decide to take him back to my apartment.

 "So, Claudia?" I look up at him as we walk. 

"What about her?"

"Are you serious? Why did you break up with her?"

Shaking his head he says, "You can break up with someone you weren't with." 

I roll my eyes, "Why was she seen leaving?" 

"Like Gracie kept saying, she's kind of a bitch."

The closer we got back to my place the more paparazzi were there. "I just don't understand how you did it so easily." I lead him to the ally in between buildings to not be seen by the paparazzi. 

Once we finally get inside the building he says, "You did it, twice." He brings us James and what happened between us years ago. I decide to ignore it as we get in the elevator. I usually take the stairs since I'm scared of elevators. 

He grabs my hand, squeezing it three times like he used to. "We could've taken the stairs." 

I shake my head, "No it's okay." I still don't know why he does that, what does it mean?

We get up the the third floor, the doors open. Walking out straight into the living room my cats scramble. "Sorry about the mess." I look around as my cats come back up to me, picking up one I had him to Logan. 

"This is Zeus."


Logan stays for a few more hours. We drank some wine and had pizza. "I miss this, I miss us." I look down at my lap as he talks.

 "Well, we're here now," I say.

"Come back to California with me."

"Logan, we're not doing this again." He shakes his head.

"You're right, it didn't work the first time. Why would it work now?" I don't want to fight with him, not when we just reconnected. 

"Logan, please." 


I finally get her back and I decide to pick a fight, "I'm sorry." I say as I put my hand on her knee. "I should leave." I stand up, setting the wine glass on the table. I walk to the door, her following behind me. 

Before I could leave, she pulled my arm. I spin around and she put her lips on mine. Kissing her back, I move my hand to her face. We break apart when the sound of her phone pulls us back to reality. "Uh, hello?" She answers. 

"Okay, yeah, next week? got it, bye." She hangs up.

"What was that about?"

"Looks like I will be seeing you in California next week."

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