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"Ah, Papa Marley." Jordyn hugs my dad right as he walks into the apartment. 

"Hello, Jordyn." He laughs at the nickname 

"Yo, baby J in the house!" Jax walks in, throwing his hands up.

"Told you it would catch on." She winks at me.

"Jax, do not call yourself that." I take his bags to the guest room and then walk back out to the living room, "Uh, Gracie should be here soon." I tell Jordyn.

"Yeah she's catching a ride from Miles, he's on the way." I nod, sitting next to my dad.

"I've missed you, flower." He whispers as I put my head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah D, house is so quiet without you singing all the time." Jax sits with us. 

"Wasn't I just there?"

"Last year." I realize how long it's been since I've seen them. I mean Jax is eight-teen now. I was shaken out of my thoughts when the door opened. 

"Holy fuck, it's crowded outside." Miles sets his jacket down.

"Excuse me language Papa M." Miles sits in front of us. 

"Where's Logan? I've seen all the photos between you guys." The room goes silent.

"He's engaged." I look down at my hands, "So he's probably with his fiancé right now."

"I thought you guys were friends again." He puts his hand on my knee.

 "We're not, we are just in a movie together." I put on a smile. "Let's go out the lunch." I stand up and we head out.

we walk down the stairs and get to the exit, "Okay Dad, just don't make eye contact and don't answer any questions." He nods and we leave the building.

As soon as the cool air hits, the questions start being shouted. "How are you knowing Logan Parker is getting married?" I keep my head down

We get to the restaurant, and the others go in but I wait and turn to the paparazzi. "Hey guys, I'm just trying to have lunch with my family. If you could just leave us alone for a few hours I would appreciate it."

They say a mixture of words before walking off, "Thanks guys." I walk into the restaurant.


After lunch, my dad, brother, and Gracie went out. I've been on my phone for the past three hours looking at interviews, pictures, literally anything of Logan. "DJ, you've been watching the same three videos for the past, who knows how long, are you ok?"

I look up at him through my lashes, "Yes I'm fine, leave me be." He snatches my phone out of my hands.

"It's unhealthy, just call him if you miss him."

"No, Miles. I'm over him." I lie.

"You need to go to sleep, you have a show tomorrow."

I get myself ready for bed, keeping my phone in the other room.


I walk into the stadium, waving at all the fans at the side. I put on the glittery bodysuit and chug my water.

"Remember what happened last time you drank too much?"

"You mean when she almost peed on stage?" Miles laughs.

I roll my eyes, "Don't camp out in here." I say as I leave my dressing room and head to the stage.

I perform and towards the end of my show, "Welcome to the acoustic set!" I say into the microphone and everyone cheers, "I wanted to play a song that came out on my most recent album!" I take a deep breath before singing.

"I promise that you'll never find another like me!" I continue with the song.

I go to my piano after I finish, setting down my guitar. I don't give an intro, not wanting to explain the reason for the song. I play the first few chords before singing, "People like you always want back..."

Before finishing the show I pause, "This crowd has been so amazing," Everyone erupts in cheers, "And because of that I want to award you." I smile big, "By telling you, my new single 'Dancing with our hands tied' will be out next week." The back screen shows the cover art and date.

I finish the show and go back to the dressing room, only wanting to go home back to my bed. "Hey, flower." My dad walked in, everyone following behind.

"Hey guys, you ready to leave?" I stand up grabbing my stuff.

"Let's maybe let the place clear out." Miles puts his arm on my shoulder. 

"It's fine, I just want to go home." He nods hesitantly, letting me leave. I look around before nodding to Antonio, signaling to leave.

He heads in one direction before Miles says, "Why don't we go the other way?" Antonio shrugs and we all walk the other way.

We get back to my apartment and open a bottle of wine, "Who wants a glass?" I hold it up.

"Me, definitely me." Jordyn grabs.

 "I have some more songs, I think I might have a finished album. I can't wait for this new single to come out."

"Yay!" Jordyn side hugs me.

"Daisy, do you mind if I stay here tonight? I'll sleep on the couch." Gracie asks.

"Yeah, you're always welcome here." I smile at her.

After a few more hours, Jordyn and Miles left and my dad went to bed along with Jax. Gracie and I sat on the couch, drinking some more wine. "So you know how you were talking about singing?" I look over at her.

"Yeah, I just don't know where to start." 

I smile, "I know the perfect place." I stand up and walk into my room. I come back in holding some pieces of paper. "I have this song if you wanna add your vocals in." She smiles, nodding.

"Now?" I shrug.

 "Why not." We walk over to my in-home studio.

We add in my vocals before she adds her on top, "And it's 2 am, feeling like I just lost a friend." Her voice was soft, perfect almost.

I heard some banging but chose to ignore it.

"How was that?" She asks through the microphone. 

"Wonderful." I smile.

We exit the studio, heading back into the kitchen. "Are you hungry?" I rummage through the fridge.

"Starving." She sits on the island. I pull a pizza out and there's a knock on the door. "I'll get it." She gets up and walks to the door.

She opens it, whispering, "What are you doing here?" Her voice was harsh.

"Who is it?" I walk over.

"It's nobody." She shrugs.

I open the door more, "Logan." It's like the breath was taken from me.

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