girl i've always been

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I walk into the apartment, sweat running down my back. I set down my gym bag and sighed, "Hey babe." James walks over to me. Kissing my cheek, he rubs my back. "Gross you're sweaty." He wipes his hand on the  towel.

"Well, I did just come back from the gym." I shake my head, pulling my phone out.

"Have you talked to Logan yet?" I scroll through my missed messages

"Uh, yeah."

"Great, when's he coming over?" I looked through the messages Jordyn sent me.

"Tomorrow, let me call Jordyn real quick." I walk into my room, close the door, and press her contact.

"Jordyn, what is wrong?" I asked when she finally picked up.

"How much do I feed your cats?" The millions of texts were to ask about that.

I sigh, "Are you serious? There's notes on the fridge, it's one scoop."

she thanks me before hanging up. I throw my phone on the bed and walk into the bathroom. I turn the shower on, taking my clothes off.

After my shower, I get into a skirt and a dressy tank top and walk back out into the kitchen. I get a glass out of the cabinet and fill it up with some lemonade.

"Hey Daisy, can we talk?" James sits on the couch.

"About?" I pick my glass up taking over into the living room, sitting down on the coffee table and sitting in front of him.

"I want to move forward with us, get married, have kids. You're the love of my life."

I shake my head, "I'm not having a kid, James, nor am I ready for a marriage."

"But Daisy." I cut him off, "No, James, I don't have time for any of this stuff." I stand up.

I walk into my room, sitting on my bed. I take a deep breath, my hands shaking as I brush through my hair.

I hide in the room for about an hour before going back out to the kitchen, to fix some lunch.

I close the cabinet, "Can you not be so loud?" James says from the couch.

"Sorry," I whisper. I finish making food and take it back to my room.


"I'm going to an interview." I grab my purse. Not waiting for a response, I walked out the door.

I walk out of the main entrance and quickly get into the car. "Hello, Miss Daisy." Antonio closes his door and drives off.

"Hey, Antonio." I take my sunglasses off, sighing.

"Everything ok?" I nod, smiling.

"Everything is perfect."

We pull up to the big building and I get out of the car. I fix my dress before walking through the door.

I walk up to the front desk, "How are you today?" The girl asks.

"I'm good, you?" She answers the same lines, "I'm here to see David."

"Room six." She smiles.

I thank her and start walking down the hall. I knock on the door before walking in, "Daisy Jones!" The man turns around, putting his arms out.

"Hi, David." I hug him.

"I saw you at the Chargers game last night with James, how was that?"

I shrug, "It was alright, he's a big fan of the team. He said, and I quote, "I got my meet my idol.""

David laughs, "Who's his idol?" He organizes the papers on the table.

"Uh, Logan Parker." I look down at my hands.

"Oh yeah, I saw a photo of you guys in the tunnel."


I walked back into the apartment after the long interview. I see James sitting on the couch still, "Babe." He stands up once he sees me.

"James, I don't think this is going to work." I sigh, setting my purse down.

"What?" His face drops, filling with sadness. "No just give me another chance. I won't pressure you."

"I just feel like we're in different parts of life. You want kids, I don't." I shake my head, "You need someone that wants the same."

"I'll wait for whenever you're ready." He comes closer, holding my hand.

I look up smiling at him, "Really?"

He nods, "I'll wait however long it takes." I lean up and kiss him.

"Okay." I pull away from him.

"So we're okay?" I nod.

"We're okay."

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