• XI •

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Will woke up back in the gray room, trying to ignore the hum of electricity he felt within himself. He felt energized, powerful, moreso than ever before. As he looked around he spotted the redheaded girl back in the armchair, now looking directly at him.

"How long was I out?" He inquired

"A few days, as they expected. How do you feel?" She avoided eye contact. She almost seemed...guilty.

"Weirdly energetic," will answered. "My eyes feel strange." The room seemed brighter and his sight seemed to be more sensitive.

"Understandable," the girl began, "Look in the mirror."

Will walked up to her, taking the compact mirror from her hands when she offered it to him. He looked into it, shocked to see that his eyes were now a lime green, the same color as his power. He stood in silence for a few minutes, looking at himself. Then the girl spoke up quietly. If he hadn't been silent, he probably wouldn't have heard her.

"I'm getting you out of here."

Will looked over to her in shock. "W-what?"

"You heard me, the girl too. You guys don't deserve this."

"Why?" Will was confused, why was this girl suddenly so keen on helping them?

She looked at him sternly, before simply saying, "You're leaving. tonight."

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