• XXI •

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The soldiers advanced quickly, shooting at the trio as they ran for cover behind the car.

"What do we do?" William was panicking, there were so amy of them. He had defeated them last time, but they weren't armed, and the only cover he had was a black van belonging to the enemy.

"We fight." Aeron answered. "I'll handle the black jacket, you take the comps."

"What?" William and senka exclaimed at once. "How?"

"You're stronger than you know. Work together." She sighed, looking over the van. "I believe in you."

William and Senka watched as Aeron mounted the hood of the car, dodging the bullets and quickly taking down one of the soldiers to get their gun. She then approached the man, who was seemingly expecting her.

Will and Senka had no time to think as they threw themselves into battle, using their powers to knock the soldiers back as they surrounded them. Senka used her powers to knock the guns out of their hands, swirling them into a shadowy orb and smashing them to the asphalt. The bits of metal scattered as the soldiers continued to surround them, seemingly unphased. The duo looked at each other, both afraid.

"You remember what Aeron said, right?" Senka nodded. "We're stronger than we know." William held his hand out to the fairy.

She took it, feeling his power within her, as he felt hers within him. They each held one hand out, the other holding each other's and called the power forward. A mass of sparks and shadow emerged in a solid beam from each of their hands, sending the soldier's flying backwards and smacking them onto the pavement. Once all of them were down, the two almost collapsed, having just used up lots of energy, but they kept going, looking over to Aeron.

What they had expected to see was a fight, physical combat of some sort coming from both sides. Instead, they saw a battle of the body, and of the mind.

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