• XXIX •

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Senka managed to fall asleep on the train, her head falling onto Aeron's shoulder. Her face looked peaceful, all the wrinkles covered in worry had disappeared with her unconsciousness. Aeron admired her friend's relaxation. Was it weird to be staring at her? Absolutely. Did she plan to stop? Not soon.

The relaxation in Senka's features gave Aeron her own type of relief, proof that peace still existed somewhere, even if it was only within one's own mind.

Aeron couldn't relate to the last part.

Almost as if Senka wanted to prove Aeron wrong, her face began to scrunch up, almost as if in deep focus. Her brows furrowed and her nose scrunched as she began to move, small whimpers leaving her mouth. She was having a nightmare. Aeron quickly shook her awake, not wanting her to go through whatever pain her dream was causing her.

Senkas eyes shot open, quickly scanning her surroundings. "Hey," Aeron softly called for Senka's attention, her wide doe eyes meeting the gingers, which were softer than she had ever seen them. "It's okay. I'm here. You're ok." Aeron continued to soothe the fairy, rubbing up and down her arms in hopes of comforting her. As she came back down to earth, Aeron found it clear that though Senka was tired, she didn't want to fall asleep again.

"Do you want to talk about it?"


"Okay." Aeron glanced around the almost empty train, the only presences being several rows away and seemingly asleep in their seats. She looked back over to the still heavily breathing Senka.

"I can..." Aeron hesitated. "I can help, if you don't want to fall back asleep."

Senka looked up at Aeron in confusion, silently asking her to elaborate.

"There's something I do to myself, my powers allow me to make my brain think I've gotten sleep. I do it a lot when I don't want to deal with the nightmares. If you want, I can make it so you feel rested, and nightmares won't be a problem."

Senka thought briefly before agreeing.

"Ok," Aeron began. Both of the girls situated themselves so they were facing each other as much as they could, their seats only allowing so much movement. "Are you sure?"

Senka nodded again, "I trust you."

Aeron looked down at her hands as a smile formed on her face. "Thank you."

Aeron regained her composure and looked up at the brunette. "Okay, my understanding is that I can alter a person's brain chemistry in a way that makes their brain think they slept. Can I touch your face?" A quick nod from Senka. Aeron gingerly placed her hands onto her friend's cheeks. She found telepathic connection was easier when she was in physical contact with the person. "Keep still, ok? I've never done this to someone else, let alone someone I actually care about. I have no idea if it might hurt." Senka nodded again before stilling herself, closing her eyes. Aeron closed her eyes as well, focusing on the task at hand.

As gently as she could, Aeron entered the fairy's mind. Getting in was harder than she usually found it to be, she presumed it was Senka's magic unconsciously defending her from the percieved intruder, but she managed to get inside and do what she was so accustomed to doing to her own mind to someone elses. She had to admit she was a little proud of herself for figuring it out so quickly.

She pulled away and hunched down to Senka's eye level. "You ok?" Her voice was laced with concern.

Senkas eyes gently opened. "Yes, thank you." She seemed more energetic than she had before, a good sign.



Aeron smiled, happy to have helped. A beat of silence passed as both of them thought.

"You trust me?" "You care about me?" They blurted out at the same time, immediately giggling to themselves before regaining their composure.

"Sorry," Senka spoke softly. "I just never thought you would say somthing like that."

"What? Of course I care about you." Aeron answered as if it was obvious. "You're nice, and sweet, and you make Will so happy, and you make me happy. I like having you around."

Senka couldn't help the blush that crept onto her cheeks at the praise. "Well, I dont know. We've all spent so much time together. Weve bonded so much. You guys feel like the siblings I never had. I could trust you with anything."

Aeron's smile dropped slightly.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Senka rose up her hands to embrace the ginger.

"No," Aeron quickly corrected her. "It's just... ive never had anyone say they trust me. Its... nice." The smile returned to her face as well as the fairy's.

"Well, I do," Senka replied. "You really are amazing, Aeron. You've looked after will and I so well, and youre so strong. After everything youve been through-" Senka's voice betrayed her as it wavered. Will was back where Aeron was, and from the stories she managed to tell them, it was anything but pleasant.

Aeron didnt have to ask. "We'll get him back," she reassurred. "I know it."

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