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Third Person POV

Obsidian eyelashes fluttered, the journalist slightly squirmed only to shiver from the coldness he felt. He tugged the covers more even though he was already covered.

Yibo reached out his arm looking for his warmth, but just felt more cold. He fluttered his lashes open not finding the King anywhere.

He slowly sat up only to flinch, and fall back, as the soreness from last night kicked in. His cheeks blushed brightly, as memories from last night flooded his mind. He shook his head.

His eyes fell over the open door when he heard footsteps. The journalist brought the sheets tightly against him as his lover appeared.

King Xiao stayed hovering over the younger to dip down and take the journalist's lips with tenderness. Yibo gasped only to melt against the kiss his hands grasping the back of the King's head to pull him closer.

His body felt hot and he got a very hot sensation through his legs. He pressed them together whimpering as he felt slightly odd.

Zhan bit his lip emitting him to part his lips inviting the taller in. Zhan's tongue lapped at his Angel's tongue lightly teasing the younger with slow strokes.

The King had one hand hosting himself up, while the other trailed down the younger's leg. Yibo whimpered only to press his legs closer together as he felt more odd. His legs weirdly feeling hot.

Zhan's hand crawled under the sheets to grasped one of the younger's globe. Yibo moaned against the hard grip.

" I knew it." Zhan whispered between the kiss.

Yibo swallowed an imaginary lump on his throat in nervousness as the older broke away.

" W-What are you talking about?" Yibo asked.

Zhan didn't answer, but his fingers moved inflicting a sudden moan as they brushed over Yibo's entrance.

Zhan didn't answer but his fingers moved inflicting a sudden moan as they brushed over Yibo's entrance.

" Your body produces its own lubricant just like a female. Do you think I would not notice." King Xiao whispered, there's a vicious smile present on his lips.

King Xiao slipped in easily three fingers emitting a whimpering moan.

" Your entrance even eases itself."

Yibo whimpered his cheeks a hot flush, as his hands tore to grasp Zhan's shirt for support.

His fingers felt so pleasurable. He knew he had felt weird but he never figured it would be his arousal making his blood flow increase creating that lubricant.

Zhan lowered kissing his Angel's neck softly, as he heard those addicting moans.

" Z-Zhan, I have to go to work! Aaah!" He blurted out.

No matter how embarrassed and flushed Yibo was he couldn't fight against his weakness. Those fingers moved softly caressing his inside.

" Was there anything you're still keeping from me?" His lover whispered against his ear.

" No More!" He answered as he shook his head. He looked at the older's eyes to show him sincerity. King Xiao smirked and sighed.

The younger whimpered at the loss of those fingers to suddenly have his legs hooked over the taller's shoulders. Yibo watched with a shaky breath as Zhan licked those fingers that were drenched in his wetness.

" I doubt that."

Zhan flashed him a grin, before those hands gripped those cheeks to part them.


POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now