Deep Emotions

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Third Person POV


Zhan was in a mess. He didn't shave. He rarely took a bath. He rarely eats. He never answered the calls and messages of his advisor, his secretaries and friends. He never leaves his house. He's mending his broken heart and it wasn't healing at all. How it will be healed if the person who can mend it is far away from him, from his reach, from his arms.

Damn it!

He dropped his phone on the floor as he drank the remaining contents of the bottle of Baijiu in his hand. He was lying on a long sofa while getting himself drunk to forget that man. Instead of being able to move on and forget, his longing for Yibo gets worse.

He must have gone crazy, he thought. He was even contemplating if he would put himself in a mental institution.

He let out a violent breath and picked up his phone from the floor. Then he called Zhe Ming.

"Hey, my man." His voice was slurred, he was obviously drunk.

"Zhan?" Zhe Ming assured. Maybe he doesn't sound like himself.

"Yeah. It's me." He tried to sit on the sofa but he didn't have the strength so he lay down again." Hey, ahm, can you tell your boyfriend to make a reservation for me?"

"Reservations?" Zhe Ming repeated in confusion.

"Yes, Reservation in the Mental Hospital." He laughed softly." I'm losing it, Ming. And it's because of a man that I love so much but he's getting married. I'm going crazy. I want to go back to Tuscany. But what if he doesn't accept me anymore? What if he changed his mind and doesn't love me anymore? I might actually kill myself, Zhe Ming, I just can't go crazy, so please book me a reservation? As soon as I can pull myself together, I'll go back to Tuscany. If I have to drag Yibo back to China with me, I will. Maybe he will be angry but that will pass, right? I thought I was moving on, but I'm just fooling myself. I wasn't! And I need him to stay sane!" God. It feels so good to confess those things to someone.

"Are you okay, Zhan?" Zhe Ming asked concerned .

He hung up and let go of the phone causing it to fall to the floor again. And the next thing he knew, he was dozing off.

Zhan didn't know how many hours had passed since he woke up. He can hear voices near him. He just couldn't open his eyes because his head hurt and he couldn't move because he was so drunk.

But he can hear the voices clearly.

"What do you know?" It was Zhe Ming's voice as if asking a question.

It was Yinxi's or Yunxi's voice who answered, he wasn't sure." What I know is that the man he loves is getting married and to top it all, He's a King's son and you know our friend heres, reputation. I don't think the King will make it easy for him." He said pertaining to Zhan.

" So what? I don't give an effin care about his reputation. We know who this man really is. How many times did this punk help us? We will help him." It was Simon's voice. (Gong Jun)

" Yes, and he's always asking us for a higher amount of money whenever we ask his help, but that's for street kids. I don't care if he is the king's son. Let's stop that freaking wedding." Simon added.

" Moron." It was Zhoucheng." That man was in Tuscany and here we are in China. How can we stop that wedding? And yeah, I too am not scared. I'm a Spaniard Count for Christ's sake!"

"What makes you proud of your title?" It's Liam's voice and it looks like he's angry with Zhoucheng." Just count. The fact still remains that you alienated us Filipinos and not only that, you mistreated us and treated us as fools. And why should I help this chinky guy? I hate Chinese as much as I hate Spaniards." This man just couldn't move on the history but he still cares and loves his friends. They knew him too, well.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now