🔞 Together 🔞

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Third Person POV

THEIR Mission was simple, infiltrate the syndicate name Romano X, collect information and get out. Easy to say, but very hard to do, especially if Xiao Zhan is his partner.

Yes, they confessed that they have missed each other, but that is all. The young man was avoiding Him, Yibo could feel it. He doesn't even look at him, he always has a frown on his forehead and his face always has a scorn.

He would scowl from time to time, glare at him then say nothing afterwards. That Young King's behavior is really unbelievable. For three consecutive days, he put up with it. Yes it is his fault because he leaves him without explaining anything to the older why he has to leave, but he's getting irritated and having enough about it.

Yibo knew he had no right to be angry at the taller but his behavior is really irritating him now. He is about to unleash the Anger that is building up in his heart.

"Where are you going?" Zhan asked when he saw that he was about to open the door of his condo.

Yibo took a deep breath and then turned around. "Home."

"And where do you live?"

His mouth opened and he was ready to lie to the young man again but he stopped himself. What's the point in lying? The King already knows the half truth about him.

He sighed. "We have a house here in Tuscany. I was born and raised here. I bet Dad is now looking for me, I don't want make him angry again."

"Zhan, were both agents. And part of that job is to lie and lie and lie. So forgive me if I lied." He felt down all of a sudden.

"I really have to go. Dad might think I'm taking advantage of my two months of freedom."

Zhan's eyebrows met. "Two months of freedom?"

Yibo nodded and tried to smile. "Two months from now, I'll be married to Lord Liu Haikuan."

"Do you feel something for that guy?"

"No, we're just friends and we treat each other as brothers." Yibo explained to his murderous glare.

" Yibo do you want to be with me for real or is this some kind of game you wanted to pull off with me? It's just his wealth you're after, right? Or maybe you love him. You only like me after all." Zhan emphasizes the word 'like me '.

Yibo sighed. " First of all, since when I treated our relationship as a joke? Did you think everything I did just to clean Your name in everything was because I felt sorry for you? Did you think all the defenses I did for You from Ji Yang are meant just nothing? I never talk back against my boss King Xiao! but because of you, just because I want to be with you! I used your story as a way just to be with you! Cause that's how I like you very much! I'm not after his money,I'm not the person who you thought I was..but what's the point of explaining it when you won't even listen to me.."

He closed his eyes and counted to ten before opening the door and leaving the penthouse.

He can't stand Zhan. He's starting to piss him off big time. His head is about to explode from the mixture of Anger and conscience he feels.

He was about to enter the elevator when someone grabbed his arm. His reflex move before he realized that it was Zhan. He quickly grabbed the King's hand, grabbed his arm and twisted it.

"Fuck!" Zhan glared murderously at him. "Let go!"

He quickly released the young King and bit the bottom of his lip, he saw Zhan message the arm he twisted.

"I'm sorry" He apologized. "I thought it was someone else."

Zhan cursed again. "Fuck!" He shot Him again with a glare. "Where are you going? You're going to leave me again?" He sounds so bitter and something inside him snaps.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora