🔞 Monster in Me 🔞

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Yibo POV

This is too soon! I just met him, I like him. I'm aware that I'm attracted to him very much, but I can't date someone without knowing anything about them well at least the real him not the one they or he exposed.

He wanted to fool everyone by making them see a worse personality and that's what made me intrigued about him.

I glanced at him. I'm in his strong grip his handsome face gazing at me intensely.

" King Xiao, I'm sorry but this is too soon. I just met you and I still need to get to know you better, the real you. Just give me some time. " I said to him, stroking his hair.

" Remember your life has been exposed weekly or well you exposed it, yourself because you are drunk. I know all about your partying and wild sex nights " I smirked it was all in the profile Mr.Song had given me so I could do the research.

" Yibo for a minute. I completely forgot you are a reporter" He told me sheepishly and embarrassed, Of course I know many things, I'm not just a reporter in everyone's eyes. I am more than that.

" Yes I know, I did some crazy things but it was just my way to suppress my feelings for the pain of losing my parents" he answered, putting his head on my chest. I sighed embracing him, I know it is difficult dealing with the loss of both parents. They are the most important people in King Xiao's life. I knew that.

And maybe this is the reason why my heart churned every time I saw him sad and broken.

" I saw what true love was Yibo, my parents were connected, spiritually and emotionally" he said hugging me tighter.

" My mother died because the love they had kept each other alive. 2 hearts beating as one it was true love. My mother lost all will to live when my dad died and I suffered it watching my mother die slowly in front of me from a broken heart" the King said making my heart fill with such sadness from his broken voice.

" I'm very sorry King Xiao, I know it must have been very painful" I said, stroking his back.

" King Xiao, look I like you but you have to show me, I'm not a game, if you want something with me you have to stop sleeping around, show me something real, change your ways. I'll see how far you are willing to go to really be with me and only me" I said to him seriously because it's the only way I will accept him.

This would be a really big fucking deal in my life and Mr. Song, I can't respond to him anymore, if someone else already had my heart.

" Can you really change yourself just to be with me?"

Zhan POV

I had forgotten completely that Yibo has seen me out of control. I've been drunk those nights and I don't remember shit! But he knows everything in detail about me with countless women every fucking night!

I would gladly give it up just for him, erase it all from ever happening! I have to prove myself to him that I'm worthy of his love because I don't want this man to ever leave my side. His presence, his body in my arms, the way he makes me feel, my heart feels so happy and content.

My sexual urges can't be satisfied, my body refuses to stop claiming this beautiful man in my arms, my mind is invaded by him just by the feeling of his skin on mine.

" Yibo, I know my lifestyle is crazy but if you help me I can change for you" I said , hugging him tighter.

Right now, I'm having this hot sex with this sexy beautiful man. I can't stop desiring him, if it feels so good with only him then why the fuck am I going to get something else.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now