I Love You

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Third Person POV

Zhan was about to follow the Taxi that Yibo was riding in when he received a call. It was Yinxi.

He answered. "This better be good, Yinxi. And make it fucking fast." He sputtered as he quickly got inside his car. He had to follow Yibo.

Yinxi chuckled. "Do me a favor, Xiao. Find Feiyu." Zhan manuevere his car out of his Mansion.

He knew it, He knows that Feiyu is not in the country, according to Yunxi, The young man is going home. Feiyu is Yunxi and Yinxi's step brother. Yunxi won't tell Yinxi that Feiyu is coming home, so he wouldn't either.

Zhan focuses his eyes on the road. "That will cost you an arm."

"Name your price." Yinxi said confidently.

Zhan smiled secretly. He knew Yinxi was rich, he should take advantage of that.

"I have an unused yacht." Zhan said. "Fifteen Million."

Actually, he bought it seven million and he's planning to sell it twice the price. Am I a genius or what? Zhan smirked at that thought.

"I will send the check tomorrow." with that the line ended.

Zhan grinned. That's also an addition to the fund.

Zhan's smile gradually disappeared as he remembered why he was inside his car.


Location reached: Yibo's Apartment

When Yibo entered his apartment he smiled bitterly. What he is doing is stupid. He just sacrificed his supposedly 'love life' for his work. It's funny because it hurts him to think that Zhan is angry with him.

I feel like a bitch for pushing him away like that.

He still has a mission to do. He has to set aside his feelings for that man.

When he sat on the edge of his bed, his phone rang. When he looked at who was calling, his eyebrows met.

Why is he calling? I didn't do anything wrong.

He took a deep breath before answering the call.

"Hello." he said formally on the other line.

"Yibo" His voice was cold and stern. "How are you?"

Yibo rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Dad."

"How's the mission?"

"Going well." He answered while biting his lip. "I don't know when I'll be home, maybe next month." He was ahead of him before he could ask.

When every time his father calls, it's always about asking when he is going back home.

"Good, A month from now, a ball will be held in Monte Carlo hosted by Lord Jianmin Liu. We are invited."

He sighed. "Dad that's not my thing. A Ball is for lame noble families who prance around with their fake attitude."

"We have a deal, Yibo" His voice was firm not accepting a no from him. "I let you run around and be an agent in return you'll do what I say, no buts."

Yibo sighed. "Okay?"

Does he have a choice? That's the deal he and his father negotiated. It was hard to be a Wang. His mother is a Chinese who went to Europe to preach then she meets the dashing Wang Lin Yi, his father. They got married and nine months and baby Yibo was born.

His mother died when he was only ten years old. That was the hardest part of his life. When he went to college, he met JiLi and Hoaxuan, his two friends. Later on, men in black suits approached them and offered them to be more than just a college student. To be an agent.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant