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Third Person POV

When Zhan entered Wong's house by passing through the ceiling, his feet touched the dining room floor without a sound. He stood up quickly and when he made sure there was no one, he started his work.

He carefully took out the small package from his back pocket. It contains tiny white grains that could not be seen by a naked eye. he opened it and sprinkled the powder on the dining table. He didn't breathe while doing that. This white powder is a poison that comes from the Amazon Forest. It is called Nou or in English is 'Now'. He bought it in the black market with X's help. With this poison, Ren Wong is definitely gone out of his way. Thank God for that.

After spraying the poison on each corner of the table, he left the dining room and went to the CCTV room of the house. After he deleted that footage that he was in, his mission is done.

Just like that. Easy.

The scene inside the dining room made Zhan smile. He was in the CCTV room and saw how Wong and his men slowly died because of the poison. Mission accomplished, baby. Why did he even problem himself when he could have saved himself from being a rebellious King. Nah, being that way was like a blessing in disguise. He met Yibo.

Zhan was stunned and stared at the man walking down the hallway to Ren Wong's private room. He has a black hair and Half of his face is covered.

It easily avoided Wong's men scattered in the hallway. They didn't pay attention to the guy as he was in a butler's uniform and had his head looking at the floor. No one was guarding Wong's room so the man got in easily.

He stares at the monitor where he sees the young man who entered Wong's private room and took a Time Sand that was just above the bed side table.

Seeing that he was leaving the room, he quickly left the CCTV room and ran to Wong's room which was not far from the room he came from.

Yibo put the time sand in a bag. Then hurriedly left Wong's room.

After Yibo exited the door of Wong's room where he found his second target, he felt someone point a gun at the back of his head.

"Freeze or I'll shoot you." A very familiar voice filled his ears. "I know you took something. Take it out and drop it on the floor."

His eyes widened. It couldn't be. No, his hearing was just playing with him. It couldn't be his King, His hell boy.

He stood up and faced the owner with a gun pointed at him. And no, his ears weren't playing with him. It was really Xiao Zhan who was in front of him.

Damn, boy He didn't see that coming.

It's a good thing when He enters someone's house, he always changes his hair color and wears contact lenses. Then half of his face has a mask. That only his eyes can see.

"Who are you?" His eyes narrowed. Giving him a scrutinizing gaze."You're not one of Wong's goons. Who do you work for?"

He did not answer. In one swift move, Yibo backhanded Zhan and shoved him on the floor. He took his gun Then he quickly left the CCTV room and ran towards the dining room.

Gunshots after him.

Yibo didn't look back as he ran away from the house. Until He got into Ji Li's car, which he borrowed and parked three blocks away from Wong's house,He did not look back.

Bullshit! All he wanted was to end this mission because he wants to spend time with Zhan and it turns out that his King is not what everyone and he thinks he is. Great! This is what he gets when he trusts people. Trust really has a very twisted sense of humor.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now