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Third Person POV

" Great! Reporters and cameras.." Yibo grunted as he protested.

Yibo breathed in deeply bracing himself before the crowds of reporters, he can't believe he's now the story, the one everyone is going crazy over, he could never imagine that this situation would be repeated again.

He doesn't when this news would be known by his parents though. He will be on thin ice once his parents learn about these escapades. He needs to get ready if that times comes.

All he wanted was to spend his night with his Hellboy. But his brother called for him and asking for his presence tonight.

He choose to ignore every of their annoying questions and headed straightly inside Zaired Restaurant.

He stepped inside while roaming his eyes around the Restaurant. Every calculating and Judging eyes turns towards him.A man walked towards him and bowed his head.

" Good Evening, Mr. Wang..Mr. Liu is waiting upstairs for you. Do you want me to guide you there?" The waiter greeted as he bowed politely at him.

" Sure.." He was a about to walked towards the elevator when suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist making him face the person who have the guts to touch him without his permission.

His pissed off expression soften as he came face to face with King Xiao.

" What brought you here? Are you going to meet someone here?" King Xiao immediately asked, gripping his wrist tightly.

" I've come to meet my brother.. his upstairs. You, what are you doing here?" Xiao Zhan sighed in relief." I have a meeting here, it's already finished and I was about to leave but I saw you and thought to asked you to eat dinner with me. I did promise to take you out on a date remember?" Zhan reminded making Yibo nodded.

" Ahm... Let's just eat dinner upstairs with my brother. I want you to meet him.." The younger grabbed the King's hand and was about to head towards the elevator.

When someone called his name. The hand that twined with his, tighten again. He slowly look back at his boss.

" Mr. Song.. " He said as he smile." What brought you here? " He asked the older as he sign the waiter to leave them for a while.

Ji Yang sauntered towards them. His eyes angrily look at the intertwined hands of Yibo and Zhan.

Time Skips

"Mr. Song, I don't care if the King is playing with me or what! But I'm determined to get this story and all the criticism that will come my way, I will take it." Yibo said in his boss's tight grip. He pushed the man away from him.

One more stunt the older pulled just to shame the King again. Yibo doesn't know what he would do next. He might raise hell, if that happens.

He is really protective of what he holds dear in his heart and he won't let anyone harm them without facing his wrath first.

" Stop trying to convince me cause you'd fail in the end. Can't you realized.. I don't care about those people talking behind my back just because I'm with that King they called with such names. I don't care about them and I never will!All I wanted was his story and I will get it." Blurted out sternly by the Journalist.

He saw the hurt and in disbelief expression the older had in his face. It didn't made him feel anything other than agitation.

" Yibo!! Mr. Wang!! Yibo!!" People were screaming outside like crazy in front of their door.

Yibo went out to see what the commotion going on, he opened the door to hear everyone shouting his name, people running around and a very angry voice yelling and hearing things shattering everywhere.

POSSESSIVE SERIES 1: Rebellious Heart ( Zhanyi)Where stories live. Discover now