Love at first sight

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"Mom, I think I want to quit ballet." Mingi said while looking at his mother with teary eyes. "The girls always tease me and make fun of me, and I'm the only boy there." 

The little boy let out a sight he didn't know he was holding and continued. "Maybe it wasn't meant for me after all." Mingi couldn't hold his tears anymore as his mother kneeled in front of him and gave a hug. 

She cupped his small cheeks and rubbed their noses together. "Mingi, listen to me carefully." The boy just nodded. "Just because you're the only boy there doesn't mean you have to quit alright? You're one of the best students in your class and I'm very proud of you sweety." 

She paused to not let any tears fall out. She wouldn't want her son to see her like this. 

"You never know, maybe someday another boy will join. You shouldn't give up so easily." There were couple minutes of silence before Mingi stood up and flashed his mom a big smile. The smile was so big you almost couldn't see his eyes." You're right mom, I shouldn't give up. I promised you to be the best dancer, and you're the one who taught me to keep the promises you make."

Mingi gave his mom one last hug and ran to his room, leaving his mom on the floor. She smiled as a small tear ran down her cheek. 

"I'm so proud of you, and I think your father would be proud too..."

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°⋆Love At First Sight⋆°【YunGi】Where stories live. Discover now