⋆Chapter 2⋆

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The class just ended, and everyone was packing up to go home. To Mingi, this day started horribly, but ended on a happy note. He took a liking in Yunho and this whole practice felt like heaven. He finally had a friend, a guy friend. He doesn't really have many friends at school, so the feeling of having two amazing people by his side was incredible.

When they had a chance to talk during practice, they found out they went to the same school. Yunho was one year older than Mingi, so they weren't surprised they didn't have classes together, but still, they were kind of surprised they haven't seen each other at least once. 

Mina had some business to take care of, so she couldn't walk together to the bus stop with Mingi, so Yunho volunteered to do it. Both said their goodbyes to Mina and made their way to the exit.

"You told me u did some gymnastics before you joined here right?" Yunho nodded, being happy Mingi remembered such a small detail about him. 

"Ahh okay okay got it, no surprise you're this flexible. No joke, but it looks I could bend you in every way." Mingi chuckled, not really thinking of what he said. Even if he didn't mean it that way, Yunho still got a bit surprised because he got the wrong idea. 

"Y-you could do what?" Yunho asked but regretted immediately. He thought Mingi would think he's a wierdo for thinking like that. 

Luckly, Mingi didn't hear what Yunho said, since he was lost in his thoughts, he heard Yunho saying something but didn't quite catch it. "Sorry Yunho I blacked out a bit, what did you say?" After Yunho heard this, he released a sigh. Thank God he didn't heard me. 

"Oh nothing haha, I just said that you could probably do it if you really wanted to, but anyways, we made it to the bus stop." Both stopped by the nearest bench and sat down. Yunho decided to wait with Mingi so he could have some company, not really caring about the fact that it will take about half an hour to get home. 

"Oh by the way, could I get your number?" Mingi asked. Yunho looked up from his phone and smiled. "Ye of course! Here." He handed his phone to Mingi so he could type his number in. When Mingi gave the phone back to Yunho the bus arrived. 

They said their goodbyes and Mingi hopped on the bus. Yunho watched as the bus drove down the road, already missing the younger male. He snapped out of his thoughts when he got a notification. He looked down and a small smile crept up his face.


There's like seven free seats 

and this grandma decided to sit next to me

Literally why ☹ 

That seat number is probably on her ticket 

so she just sat in her seat 


she thought that you're really handsome 😉

Oh god please stop eww


But still

 who cares about the seat number!!! 



Maybe she just wants some company

 you're being very rude 🙄



HELP??? 💀

See? She just want to talk

Now be a gentleman and do that <3 


Talk to you later ig🙄🙄

Bye byeeee

{Change Mingi to ♡Princess Mingi♡?}

Yes or No

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°⋆Love At First Sight⋆°【YunGi】Where stories live. Discover now