⋆Chapter 16⋆

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It has been about a week since Yunho's accident. 

Mina and Mingi tried talking to their teacher about it, but she always turned them down. Yes, she knew what happened before but there was no evidence that could prove that Deji and Lisa were behind it, so Mingi and Mina just gave up. They knew who did it but they couldn't prove it, and it made them feel so angry and horrible. 

The classes for today ended, and Mingi was making his way towards Yunho's house. It became a thing for Mingi to go to his house to drop of homework and notes, but mostly to hangout with him. 

After some time, he found himself standing to his door. He ringed the bell and waited. Couple minutes passed but Yunho still didn't answer the door, and that made Mingi worried. 

He ringed the bell again and heard a muffled 'coming!' and his heart calmed down a bit. The door finally opened and the first thing Mingi noticed was Yunho's teary eyes. Mingi's heart sped up and he quickly walked closer to him. 

"What happened? Is everything okay? Did you hurt yourself-?" Mingi was shushed when he felt Yunho's finger on his lips. 

"Mingi please calm down, everything is fine, it's just that it hurts to walk today more than any other days but don't worry." 

Yunho's voice made Mingi calm down and he relaxed a bit knowing that he didn't hurt himself. But the fact that he mentioned that it hurt for him to walk made him nervous. 

"You shouldn't walk for some time and just let your leg relax. Come on, ill carry you upstairs." 

"Oh no no it's fine I can still walk up the stair- Mingi what are you doing?!" 

Yunho couldn't finish his sentence when he was suddenly swept up from the floor and now, he was being carried bridal style. Both of their cheeks were burning and butterflies flying in their stomachs. 

"Are you sure you can carry me up the stairs?" Yunho looked Mingi in the eyes and the other male smiled. 

"Yunho don't worry, I'm strong enough to carry somebody and if its someone as light as you then it's a piece of cake" 

Was it awkward? Yes, but did they enjoy whatever they were having at that moment? Hell yeah. 

They made their way to Yunho's bedroom, and he gently placed him on his bed. "So, we didn't take too many notes today so there's not much for you to learn and read. Also, you won't believe it. Me and Mina tried to talk to the teacher about those bitches, but she won't listen and won't believe us, fuck I'm really sorry Yunho." 

He sighed. He really wanted to help Yunho and to figure out the truth, but he just doesn't think it's possible anymore. He didn't know what else to say but he didn't need to. 

He felt Yunho's hand on his shoulder. He turned to him, so they were facing each other now. They stayed silent for couple of seconds before Yunho started talking. 

"Min, you don't need to worry about that. Maybe it's my fault for not taking care of my ballet shoes and they could be innocent, so please, lets just let go of it." Yunho placed his other hand on Mingi's hand and rubbed his finger on it. 

Mingi was still sad and heart broken, but Yunho wanted to forget about it so that's what he should do. That's what Yunho wants. 

"Okay this is getting a bit sad and awkward, do you maybe want to watch a movie?" 

Damn well this went from 100 to 0. The way Yunho just made the 'cute and sad and maybe even awkward' atmosphere disappear into a 'everything is fine let's just forget'. 

And this made Mingi a bit sad. He loved the feeling of Yunho's hand on his and the butterflies in his stomach when their eyes locked, but maybe he was acting friendly? Yeah, that's probably it

He tried to shake the negative feelings and thoughts out of his head. He gave a small smile and nodded, accepting his offer, and both of them got comfortable on Yunho's bed and he got his laptop. He put on a random show, and they started watching. But to be true Mingi really wasn't paying attention to the movie

His whole attention was onto Yunho, his hands, his eyes, and his lips.

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BRUH we have like 5 tests on Tuesday, IT'S NOT FAIR. I spent my whole day working on my literature project about Greek gods and I'm so fucking sick of it FJFKHFNKJNDK and I will spend all day tomorrow getting ready for the tests AGHH good night <3

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