⋆Chapter 13⋆

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Saldy, the weekend ended, and it was time to go back to hell, AKA school. 

Mingi was exhausted to say the least. He didn't get much sleep because he wanted to spend as much time as possible with his mum. They ended up staying till four in the morning. Mingis mom felt bad for keeping Mingi up, but he wasn't mad. He was happy that he finally got to spend some quality time with her. 

He also talked with her more about Yunho, and she suggested that Mingi should start giving signals to Yunho. Yes, he was nervous and scared, but if he won't do something about it then there will be no results. 

He hurriedly got ready and ran out of the house. He woke up a bit late so now he really needed to hurry. He thought that maybe he could still catch a bus but unfortunately, he didn't so he had to either walk super-fast or run. 

He wasn't looking when he accidentally ran in to someone when turning the corner. Mingi reacted fast and caught the other person by holding their one arm and waist. It took him a couple seconds before realizing it was Yunho. 

"Yunho? Why are you here and not in school?" Mingi was a bit shocked but maybe Yunho also spent the entire night watching movies and random series. 

"Well good morning to you to Mingi" He said a bit of sarcasm in his voice "And I could ask you the same thing. Shouldn't you be taking a bus and why do you look like you just ran a marathon?" 

Yunho couldn't help but chuckled while looking at Mingi who looks like he was running for his life. "I slept in a bit, so I had to hurry, but you didn't answer why are you just standing here" 

"I was actually waiting for Yeosang to come with me, but he said he was sick. I was starting to go by my self when suddenly someone bumped into me" He smirked a bit and leaned forward. 

Mingi was red, red red. He knew that the older one was teasing him, so he decided to tease back. He smirked back and and leaned a bit closer. Mingi was acting tough but inside he was screaming, crying, and trying not to die. 

When Mingi leaned closer Yunho couldn't hide his blush that was creeping up his face. He actually didn't think of the younger flirting back, if you call this flirting. They started at each other for couple of seconds before Mingi blew a kiss and walked of like nothing happened. 

"Let's go blondie we're already late" Mingi shouted to Yunho. He was shocked of himself for being so brave but he was more than proud.

Yunho didn't know what just happened. His mind wasn't working properly so he just stared and when rality kicked back he ran to catch up with Mingi. He didn't want to ask him what just happened because it's kind of awkward and embarrassing, but he couldn't forget about it either.

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"Wooyoung I don't think I can do this any longer, he's been flirting with me the whole day, first he blew me a kiss, then he winked at me when we passed each other in the hallway, when we were texting he kept calling me cute and pretty and the cherry on top, at lunch he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed it couple of times!" 

Yunho and Wooyoung were sitting in their next class. There was still some time left so Yunho decided to spend this time complaining to Wooyoung. And not gonna lie, Wooyoung was enjoying this. He found it funny but also cute how Yunho was freaking out. 

"Okey, Yuyu, listen to me, everything is fine, he's just flirting with you because it's more than likely that he likes you and hey that's great, because you also like him so it's perfect." 

Yunho had figured out a bit of time ago that he indeed had feelings for the younger but kept denying them, but he started to accept the true when Mingi suddenly started flirting with him today. 

"Woo listen, maybe that's just his way of being nice and he actually doesn't like me that way, I just don't want to get my hopes up." He sighed and looked down. He wants to tell Mingi how he feels, he really does but he's scared that this might ruin their friendship and he didn't want to lose a friend. 

Wooyoung noticed that his friend's mood went down, and he wanted to comfort him but unfortunately class started, and they had to keep quiet unless they want to get detention.

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The school ended and it was time for ballet class. Yunho somehow didn't want to go. He didn't feel like seeing Mingi now. He thought that if he saw him, he would accidentally tell him something that he shouldn't. 

But he knew on thing that he was going to tell him. 

This whole day Lisa was sending him glares and definitely on purpose pushing him when she walked past. Yunho wouldn't think about this so much, but he remembered the note she left, and he was getting a little bit more paranoid. 

She obviously wouldn't do something horrible and is probably just trying to scare him but his gut was telling to do something about it so he decided that he will tell Mingi. 

He won't say something like 'beat her up' or 'go break her leg' no of course not, he just wanted to tell someone since he wanted to get it off of his chest. 

He lazily made his way towards the studio. He entered and suddenly felt anxious? His heart started beating fast and he started trembling a little bit, didn't know why though. 

He slowly made his way further into the building and once he was about to turn the corner an arm grabbed him and pulled him back a little. He almost yelled but once he saw Kazuha and Rei, he calmed down. 

"When we were going to the bathroom be overheard Lisa and her friend talking about you. We couldn't figure out what they were planning but it's definitely not good" They whispered "So we were waiting for you so all three of us could walk together. I don't think they would do anything if me and Rei are with you." 

If Yunho wasn't paranoid earlier, he definitely was now. He didn't know why Lisa hated him so much, is it really because of Mingi? Was she still angry? 

Yunho nodded and three of them made their way to the classroom, pretending to be talking about something. Even though Yunho didn't look at Lisa he could feel her stare and he was terrified. 

He didn't know what she was planning and that scared him. 

But he immediately clamed down when he was Mina and Mingi smiling at him. He knew nothing could happen when his friends were with him.

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I wonder what Lisa is up to 🤔🤔 But thank you for reading :** (Also sorry for any mistakes)

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