⋆Chapter 9⋆

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It has been a week since the whole drama happened. Hwasa has talked to Mingi, Mina, Yunho and Lisa about everything and for the time being everything calmed down. 

Lisa wasn't bothering the three at the studio anymore, however, at school she still tried her luck with Mingi thinking he would forgive her and maybe be friends with her atleast, but he just ignored her or insulted her, in the nicest way possible, but apart from that everything's has been good. 

Yunho and his friends were making their to the cafeteria to eat their lunch when suddenly Yunho got a message from Mingi.


Me and my friends were wondering if you would like to sit with us at lunch?

Yunho didn't expect such an offer, but he didn't mind it. He asked his friends, and they were fine with it, though HongJoong looked a bit nervous while Wooyoung looked a bit too excited. 

He didn't think much about it and just replied that they were down, and with that they made their way to where they originally were planning to go. 

In the meantime, Mingi was freaking the heck out, but he didn't know why though. His heart was just going crazy, and it felt like it would jump out of his chest any moment. While Seonghwa was talking with Jongho, San noticed Mingi looking on edge and tried to comfort him by placing his hand on his thigh and gently stroked it. 

"Do you feel uncomfortable with all of them being here, or is it Yunho that's making you nervous?" Mingi's eyes shot up and looked to San. He started blushing a littl a bit before answering. 

"No, at least I don't think so, I mean why would he make me nervous or scared or something else." Mingi sighed and rubbed his forehead. San felt a bit bad because it was his idea to invite them, mostly because he wanted to spend more time with Wooyoung, without making it obvious of course. 

San thought about texting his boyfriend to tell him that Mingi wasn't feeling well and maybe they shouldn't come but it was to late. 


All four looked to their side and saw Yunho and his friends there. They flashed them a smile and made space for them to sit. Wooyoung obviously went to sit next to San, HongJoong nervously made his way to sit next to Seonghwa while he kept looking at the smaller male and smirking.

Yeosang didn't have a choice but to sit next to Jongho, since he knew Yunho will definitely sit next to Mingi, he didn't mind though. "So, I think it would be best to introduce ourselves" and so they spent the next couple of minutes introducing themselves, it was awkward yes, but it got better later. 

Everyone was talking with eachother, making jokes, or just saying random things, however, Yeosang didn't join the conversation one bit. It wasn't that he was uncomfortable, or he disliked the new guys, but I guess he was just too shy to say anything. 

He just sat there, listening to everybody while playing with his hoodie strings. "Not much of a talker huh?" Now Yeosangs full attention was to the guy on his left. He turned to the side and saw Jongho looking at him. 

Yeosang just shrugged before replaying "I don't know, I guess I just don't have anything to add right now, but you're right, I usually keep quiet." Jongho was a bit shocked. Not because of what Yeosang told him but because of his voice. It was so deep yet so beautiful he wanted to hear more of it. They kept silent for a minute before Jongho spoke again. 

"Do you wear makeup?" It was random to say the least, Yeosang didn't except such a question, but it wasn't something mean or rude to say "Yes I actually do, not much though. I usually just wear an eyeliner and a bit of lip tint, sometimes I add a bit of eye shadow but now my face is completely bare. Why do you ask?" 

"Then what's next to your left eye?" 

Yeosangs mood immediately went down. "It's a birthmark." He answered with a hint of anger and annoyance in his voice. He always hated his mark because he thought it made him look worse. Even though his friends and family always told him its beautiful, he always saw the worst in it. 

Jongho noticed the sudden mood swing in his voice, but he didn't understand why. Maybe it's because he thought the birthmark was makeup? But it would be weird if that was the case. 

Jongho didn't know how he could save himself, so he did one thing that first came to mind, flirt. Or at least try to? And just so you know, he hated it and was kind of terrible at it. 

He soflty grabbed a piece of Yeosang's longish hair and tucked it behind his ear so he could see the mark a bit more. Yeosang flinched a bit but didn't move away from his touch. He slightly turned his head to Jongho to see what he might do next. 

"It's very pretty. Now that I'm looking at it, it looks like a heart, cute." He softly smiled and felt proud when a small blush crept onto Yeosangs face before he rolled his eyes and looked another direction so he wouldn't be facing Jongho. 

"Thank you I guess..." he mumbled but it was enough for Jongho to hear, and a smile crept onto his face. He found the younger absolutely adorable, and he looked like an angel and his voice oh, let's not even start about it agian. 

Yeosang returned to playing with his hoodie and Jongho just sat there, watching him, being totally whipped for him until he heard an 'Ehm' and not only he, but Yeosang turned to their friends. 

All of them had either a smirk or a smile on their face before Wooyoung said "We don't want to ruin your beautiful romantic moment, but class is starting soon, so we will be going and you two could stay here and continue whatever you were doing." And with that all of them stood up and started walking, giggling to themselves. 

Yeosang and Jongho were flustered as heck. The atmosphere was a bit thick now and without saying anything they stood up and ran a bit to catch with their friends. When they did, they just slowly followed them, giving each other small glances, and then being embarrassed when they caught each other.

All of this was witnessed by Yunho and Mingi. They giggled to themselves, being proud their friends were getting along, or maybe more than along.

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I was giggling to myself when I wrote this🤭 I hope it wasn't too cringe cus I can't write fluff, but anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this little JongSang chapter <33

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