⋆Chapter 8⋆

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T/W - a lot? of swearing (I don't really know if you need to put a warning for this)

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Lisa stumbled back a little bit with shock written all over her face. Now everyone turned to them to see the commotion that was going and put their whole attention to the four. 

She looked back at them to see Mingi covering Yunho and Mina standing near them. Both looked furious, while Yunho had sad expression. His eyes were glossy to the point where tears were trying to escape and run down his cheeks. He didn't know Lisas words could hurt so much, but they did. 

He tried to be strong and not cry in front of everybody, but he accidentally let one tear slip, and then another one, and another. Couple of girls: Kazuha, Wonyoung and Yuqi ran to him to try to comfort him, but it only got worse when Mingi and Mina started yelling and bickering with Lisa, so they took him out of the class and went to the bathroom, so he didn't hear anything going on between the three. 

Mina grabbed Lisas jaw and looked straight into her eyes. 

"Listen here you fucking witch, I don't care if you're jealous or you didn't have your coffee today but you have no place or reason to be saying that bullshit to my friend!" 

"Don't you fucking dare touch me with your filthy hands you psycho" Lisa slapped Minas hands away "and yes, I have a reason to say that to your fag friend because he didn't deserve the spotlight he got!-" 

Everyone let out a gasp and covered their mouths, even Mina was shocked. Mingi has just slapped Lisa so hard that his hand palm shape imprinted on her cheek. Lisa didn't say anything, she was completely silent, just tears slowly running down her cheeks. 

Mingi grabbed her jaw, slightly lighter than Mina did but still put force into it and turned her to him. It would be a lie if Lisa wasn't shaking, but at the same time, every girl in the studio was frozen and scared to even move. 

Mingi squatted down a bit, so he was the same height as Lisa and looked into her eyes. "Don't you ever, say things like that about Yunho or I might accidentally break couple of your bones and then we will see who actually can't dance, now get out of my face before that happens." 

With that he roughly pushed Lisa away from himself. She fell down and winced a little bit since the way she landed wasn't the best. She looked up with teary eyes and started sobbing. 

"B-but Mingi I-I did it for you. I'm trying to get Yunho a-away so he wouldn't bother y-you. Mingi, he's o-only getting in t-the way for me, FOR US, Mingi I l-love you!" 

Everyone looked shocked, some girls brought out their phones to record what was happening, couple of them left to get the teacher before he slapped Lisa again and some were just cringing and laughing a bit since this whole thing was interesting to say the least. 

Mingi looked at Lisa with pure shock and disgust. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing. 

"First, Yunho is not the one bothering me, you are. Second, you're getting in the way for every one of us to have a normal day. And third, sorry but i don't feel the same way, now, I will repeat myself for the last time, get out of my face before your pretty nose starts bleeding." 

Lisa couldn't help it anymore. She stood up and ran out of the studio crying, some of her friends running behind her. Just as they left Miss Hwasa ran into the room. She was just accompanying Hyunjin out of the building when couple of the girls ran to her and told what was happening. She apologized to Hyunjin, he understood of course, and hurried her to go back before stepping into his car and driving off. 

Hwasa looked around the room anger building up inside her "You have a lot of explaining to do." Mingi and Mina glanced at each other before nodding and following Hwasa out of the dance room.

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It was some time later when Yunho had finally clamed down, with the girls help of course. They had left him alone since he asked for some space. 

Yunho splashed some water on his face and looked up to see himself in the mirror. His eyes were puffy, cheeks red, and overall, just a mess. The words Lisa said kept ringing in his head, repeating over and over again, and he started to tear up a bit again. 

He spined around when he heard the door opening. In the doorway stood Mina and she softly smiled at him. She made her way over to him and brought him into a hug. She stood on her tippy toes and softly patted his head. Yunho sadly smiled and rested his face on Mina's shoulder, letting few tears drop. 

They stood like that for couple of minutes, Mina softly stroking his head and rubbing circles on his back, while Yunho tried to not cry anymore than he already had. 

"Please don't think that the words she said were true, you are an amazing person. You're very talented and you deserve the complements because they are true" Mina took a deep breath, she also started to tear up but wanted to be strong in front of Yunho. "Just know that we love you very deeply, and we are very glad to have a friend like you." 

Mina finished with cupping Yunho cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before stepping back. Just as she stepped away Mingi opened the door and stood frozen. His heart broke when he saw Yunho in the stage that he was. 

Mina felt the atmosphere between the two and excused herself and got out of the bathroom. When the door closed Mingi made his way to Yunho and just stood in front of him. 

They were looking into each other's eyes not saying anything, before Mingi looked down and gently grabbed Yunho hands and softly rubbed his thumbs on them. "I'm sorry Yunho you had to hear what that bitch said, just so you know, everything is not true and I taught her a lesson." 

"Wait you did what" Yunho asked shocked. "Don't worry I just slapped her and threatened to break her nose or something else, nothing crazy" Mingi rolled his eyes and let out a small chuckle seeing Yunho with his mouth wide open. 

"I-I don't even know what to say, that's not nice Mingi...I bet that really hurt..." Yunho looked down. He didn't know why he was sad for Lisa because she made fun of him but slapping her is too much. Yunho was still looking down until he felt Mingis hand gently lifting his head.

"Yunho listen to me, what's not nice is those things she said about you so slapping her is really not that bad." He finished and their eyes met once again, both feeling butterflies. 

Mingi softly rubbed his thumb on Yunhos cheek before bringing him into a hug, placing his arm on his nape and the other around his waist. Yunho stood still, before wrapping his arms around his neck. 

He really liked the feeling of Mingi hugging him. He felt so safe in his arms and never wanted to get out of them. It was weird because he never felt like this and never thought he will, but being here with Mingi meant something for him and he wasn't planning to forget about it. 

He closed his eyes as one tear fell down slowly. 

"Thank you."

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