⋆Chapter 21⋆

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The day has finally arrived

Well not really but at the same time yes. 

The teacher decided to come a day early so Lisa and Mingi could rest properly. Hwasa also wanted both of them to sleep in the same room, but luckily Mina and Yunho made her change her mind. 

Mingi didn't even want to know how sharing a room with Lisa would go. Oh, and Yunho's and Mingi's friends are coming to watch the show, so that made both feel better

Since they got to the hotel quite late everyone decided to just stay at their rooms and not go anywhere. The trio kind of wanted to take a walk around the city but because Yunho's leg was still hurting, they decided to chill in their room. 

They ordered some food and started watching a random show they found first. 

"I don't want to dance with Lisa so much oh my god, should I jump out from the window and break both of my legs?" Mina and Yunho just stared at Mingi with disbelief and Mina smacked him on the head. 

"Mingi, listen, I know how much you hate her and trust us we both feel the same, but you could literally die if you jump out. Its better if you dance with her for one time than rather be gone forever." Mina finished and shot him a smile. 

"Ugh fine but what if I-" 


He rolled his eyes when both of his friends didn't let him finish. They continued to watch their show until Mina let out a loud yawn. 

"Okey, we need to get some rest, especially you Mingi. You have a show tomorrow plus a practice before that, so you need to get a lot of sleep." She hopped off the bed and went to lay down on the other one, leaving Yunho and Mingi on the same bed. 

She quickly got under the covers and yelled good night. It was silent for couple of seconds before yells could be heard. 

"What do you mean good night!? You want us to sleep together? We are both guys." Yunho yelled but lowered his voice on the last part "I don't think Mingi will sleep well if I'm going to be in the same bed with him..." 

And to tell the truth yes, Mingi wasn't okay sleeping with Yunho because he knew he won't fall asleep. But at the same time, it didn't sound too bad, I mean he kind of did like that idea. 

"Yunho, don't worry it's fine." 

He turned his head to try to protest but when he saw Mingi's red face he didn't feel the urge to sleep on the floor anymore. Looking at his expression he knew Mingi really didn't mind so he gave up with his and Mina's argument and agreed

Mina smirked in victory and turned off the lights. Mingi and Yunho put a pillow in between them and closed their eyes. 

Maybe an hour later Mina's snoring could be heard while both males were still wide awake. Mingi let out a sigh and her a soft chuckle beside him. He turned his head and saw Yunho smiling at him. 

"Can't sleep?" Mingi shook his head no and fully turned on his side to be more comfortable

"Hey, maybe you want to remove this pillow? Its taking a lot of space and I'm almost falling of the bed." Yunho suggested and when he saw Mingi approving he removed it and placed it on the ground. 

They started at each other for couple of seconds before Mingi broke the awkward silence "How's your leg?" 

"It's not that bad, there were days it hurted like hell though" he laughed remembering how horrible it was. And so, their little conversation continued

They talked about everything and anything, whatever they thought of. And you could say this little chat made them a lot closer than they were before. They actually felt a lot more comfortable being next to each other. So much more comfortable that Yunho ended up laying on top of Mingi's arm. 

They continued talking until sleep unexpectedly hit them. "Okay but we actually need to try to sleep now." Yunho agreed and both got comfortable and closed their eyes.

 It was very calming to hear each other's heart beats. 

They wouldn't say this out loud, but they wished they could stay like this forever.

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HIIIII I'm back with a chapter😄❤️!! I actually didn't go to school this entire week because I was sick and I thought about writing something, but I literally couldn't move, that's how bad it was😥. This chapter was a bit of a mess, but I hope it turned out fine? I hope all of you are doing amazing and are excited for this books end. I think one or two chapters are left and it's gonna end. But anyway, thank you for reading❤️❤️

°⋆Love At First Sight⋆°【YunGi】Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora