⋆Chapter 10⋆

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Yunho was calmly sitting in his last class for the day. He was super excited, not only because it was the last class but also because Mingi invited him and his friends to go to the amusement park, and plus it's Friday so it's perfect. 

He was drawing random figures on his notebook until the bell rang and everyone stood up to collect their stuff and go enjoy the rest of their day. Yunho stood up, ready to put his books in his backpack until someone bumped their shoulder into Yunhos and droped a small piece of paper on his table and walked of. 

Yunho was quick enough to see who it was and to no one's surprise, it was Lisa. He rolled his eyes a bit and looked at the trash she threw on his table. 

He unfolded it and on it was written 'Be careful bitch'. "Guess she still mad at me for stealing Mingi away?" Yunho let out a sigh and on his way out of the class he threw it away. He thought he won't tell Mina nor Mingi about it, he didn't need another argument. 

He was making his way to his locker to meet HongJoong since they agreed on going to HongJoongs house to chill a bit before going to the amusement park, but before they went to his house, they decided Yunho should quickly go home and grab some clothes to change to later so we wouldn't wear his school clothes. 

He met his friend, and they went out of the school. 

"Hey Joongie, can I ask something?" Yunho looked at the smaller male beside him. "Yeah of course, what is it?" HongJoong raised an eyebrow while asking. 

"Well, I don't want to assume anything but the other day when we were sitting in the cafeteria with Mingi and his friends I noticed Seonghwa looking at you in uhh how should I say it, an interesting way, I guess? Are you not telling us something?" Yunho nudged him on the shoulder while playfuly smirking. 

HongJoong got a bit red, but Yunho couldn't miss the small frown on his face as well. 

"If you're thinking we are a couple, then the answer is no. Do you not know he fucks and dates anyone he finds attractive and then just throws them away after he's bored?" 

Yunho felt bad somehow. Yes, he knew Seonghwa has a reputation for being a fuckboy, but he thought maybe with HongJoong it would be a bit different? Of course, he didn't want him to get his feelings hurt because as far as he can remember HongJoong did have a small crush on the older male, but he didn't know how it was now. 

HongJoong let out a sigh before starting again "Before the school started, he messaged me saying I was cute and asked if I wanted to hangout sometime, but I really didn't want my feelings to be destroyed because of him so I just rejected the hanging out part but god damn, that boy won't give up." 

"Maybe he changed? Maybe he actually likes you and is just trying to get closer to you?-" 

"Look, Yunho, I don't want my heart to be broken again so it's better this way no go change." Yunho didn't even realize they were already at his house, so without saying anything he ran inside, leaving HongJoong and his thoughts alone for a moment.

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It was couple of hours later and now they were making their way to the park where they wouldmeet the other 6. Yunho decided he won't ask or talk about Seonghwa, since he could see his friend not comfortable talking about him, so they talked about different things on their way there. 

After a good twenty minutes' walk, they arrived and could already see everybody else standing near the entrance. Everyone said their hellos before starting to move inside. 

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