⋆Chapter 12⋆

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It was late, very late and HongJoong was bored. He just got off a call with Wooyoung because he needed his beauty sleep, so HongJoong was left alone. 

Since the weather wasn't bad, just a little clouded, he decided he could go skate for a bit. He grabbed his wallet, jacket and his skateboard and made his way out of his apartment. 

The streets were empty and silent, as expected since it's about 2am so it was heaven to skate through them. He grabbed his earphones from his pocket and put on some music, so it would be more fun. He did couple of tricks, sometimes succeeding and sometimes almost falling off but that's okay since nobody saw. 

He kept going until he saw an abandoned skate park and went in that direction. Nobody really came here since it was further than other parks and this one was a bit destroyed but it wasn't bad. Also, there was a playground near the park but most of the stuff there was broken so like the park, nobody really came there. 

HongJoong usually comes here to skate when he want's to be alone or he's just bored. He went down the ramps couple of times, made some laps around the park until he was a bit tired, so he stopped and sat on his skateboard to relax a bit. 

He was behind a ramp just playing on his phone until he heard steps coming from the street. He got a bit scared since he didn't expect someone at this time to be outside but again it just could someone going home or taking a walk. 

Still, he turned of his phone and looked behind the ramp so he could see who it was. He saw a tall guy making his way to the playground. HongJoong couldn't see his face, but he was spooked more than a little. 

Who in the world comes to the playground in the middle of nowhere and especially when it's late. Now HongJoong wasn't comfortable to skate around. He didn't know if that guy was dangerous or just a random person. 

Since it looked like the guy wasn't going home any time soon, HongJoong stood up and tried to sneakily make his way around and go home but he stopped to take a final look at the guy. Somehow, he looked familiar even if it was a bit dark. He knew it was risky, but he slowly made his way the playground. 

He stopped near the swings, watching the guy slowly swinging and smoking. He started for couple of seconds before it hit him.  "Seonghwa?" 

The taller male quickly turned around and started coughing. HongJoong panicked a little and ran to him to try to help him a bit. When Seonghwa finally stopped choking he started yelling 

"What in the fuck are you doing here and is there really no way to say hi to me besides sneaking up and trying to kill me?!" 

He was a bit mad, but he quickly changed his expression once he heard HongJoong laughing. The smaller male couldn't keep a straight face while looking at mad Seonghwa, he just looked to funny to him. 

Seonghwas heart fluttered a bit. HongJoongs laugh was literally angelic, and apart from this, he looked amazing int he moonlight. 

HongJoong calmed down a bit, still wiping some tears away and sat next to Seonghwa reaching his hand out for him. He was confused until HongJoong pointed to the cigarettes pack. 

h"Aren't you too young to be smoking?" Seonghwa smirked while taking out one cigarete and putting it in HongJoongs mouth. He picked up his lighter and lighted it for him. HongJoongs cheeks were a bit red from what just happened but trying to ignore that he took a deep breath and blew out the smoke, making couple of rings. 

"Ohh please, you're acting like I'm eleven, I'm seventeen for fucks sake it's not that bad." 

They sat in silence for couple of seconds. "So why are you here?" Seonghwa asked while looking at HongJoong. 

"I was skating until I noticed you. I thought you would murder me if you saw me, so I was planning to go home until I recognized it was you." He finished with taking the cigarette in his mouth again "And you? Why did you randomly came here?" 

"I had a fight with my parents. They found out that I was sleeping around with people from my school. However, they weren't mad that I was sleeping with girls, they got mad because I slept with guys. I knew they were super homophobic, but I didn't think they would go that far as kicking their son out" 

He let out a sigh before continuing "They said I can get back when I realize that liking guys it's wrong, so I guess I won't be coming back there but if really who cares, this is my last year of school and then I'm out." He finished and got back to smoking. 

HongJoong felt bad for him since the exact same thing happened to himself. Luckily, his aunt was nice enough to give him her free place where he could live. 

"What about your stuff though? And where will you go?" 

"I will get back there to pick my stuff and probably crash at my friends' places, if they accept of course, and when I find a place i could live in, I will go there." 

HongJoong was deciding if he should say it but said fuck it and went for it. 

"You know, my place is free, and it gets boring sometime so I wouldn't mind company." 

Seonghwa looked at him a bit surprised "You live alone?" 

"Yeah, I was also kicked out and my aunt gave me her apartment. So, you down?" He didn't know if he was making the right choice, but he felt bad. 

His thoughts were interrupted when Seonghwa suddenly brought him into a hug and whispered in his ear a quiet thank you, before placing his head on his shoulder. 

HongJoong was frozen for a second, but he smiled and returned the hug, hoping he won't regret his decision.

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Here's a little SeongJoong chapter~

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