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Mom called out again to me and my sister to get us out of here as soon as possible. Immediately, a swarm of cops appeared to accompany the folks on the beach. We also departed the location. The rain began to fall on the way to the resort. Dad exhaled with satisfaction when we arrived at the resort on schedule. As the weather drastically deteriorated into a storm. We were all taken aback as we had never experienced anything like this kind of abrupt change in the environment before. The situation wasn't insignificant, but we opted to ignore it for the time being because we were all starving to death. We arrived at the motel and ate a quick dinner. Then, we were immediately left to rest in our assigned room. I crawled into bed, hoping for a good night's sleep. Instead of closing down, my eyes got drawn to the centre of the white stick-on coffered tiles in the hotel room's gorgeous regal ornamented ceiling. I was deeply considering how concerned my grandparents appeared to be about this issue. They had never looked so anxious before, as they seemed while having dinner.

I had shared a room with Arora. I was not looking at her. Nonetheless, she kept my attention. My peripheral vision was continuously picking up on her movements. She was standing a little distance from my bed, looking at me and turning her head over the ceiling. She did the same several times more. Finally, she inquire  before turning off the nightlight.

"Now what is special about this ceiling? I can't see anything.  And the design also seemed the ancient type."

I chuckled and replied.

"There is nothing special I found either. I just don't feel sleepy right now.”

“By the way, did you see my headphones? I wanna listen to my favorite track."

In the same way, a narrator does the storytelling on the stage. Likewise, Ror rested her left hand behind her back, made a fist pump with her right hand, and put on her mouth just like an imaginary microphone. And she replied.

“Ahmm..” she cleared her throat,

"Underneath a gigantic cave of Luna's treasure bag.  Those who were trapped in the cave never returned." 

I chuckled harder, She was teasing me since my bag was a total mess and it was challenging to find anything. So I got out of bed and answered to her with embarrassment,

“Stop teasing me. I will find it myself. Perhaps there is nothing special about the ceiling. But there is a very special place for my headphones."

Arora was amused, and gave me a thumb’s up,

"Okay then, good luck. I’m off to bed now."

So I got down from the bed to find the headphone. And opened the bag on the floor beside my bed.

To tell the truth, Arora was correct. It was difficult to find anything in my bag, so I took a few dresses out. I figured I'd have to fold them back up again. And I didn't have the energy to do any extra job. So I bent down and carefully lifted a little bit of folded clothing, taking care not to mess up the neatly arranged things. But in the end all failed.

I slid both of my hands inside the bundle of garments. And, as Arora already demonstrated in such a filmic style. I began searching beneath the piles of garments when I heard voices from the downstairs room whispering. However, the tone of voice was far too low to hear them well. So I just tried to ignore them. Isn't it inappropriate to mind someone else's business without their permission? But I guessef the cheap hotel rooms were not soundproof after all. When I was convincing myself to stay away from the stranger's talk. Abruptly, my hands touched the hard box in the bag.  This time I hit the jackpot. The sacrifice of my peaceful rest made a combat. Once I had got a headphone box, I took a sigh of relief at last.

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