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"But what exactly is this?"

Memory images from the same events failed to match. As if Fulla had kept certain dark secrets from Kai.  I thought Kai should have all rights to know about everything.

So I made the decision to expose the truth about Kai's previous existence.

"I'm sorry, Kai. You may not like it, but I need to look into your history." I muttered myself.

I concentrated on my mind energy. I whispered a spell. And before he could react, I gave him a brief reply and began the procedure.

"Noetic Numina."

I established a nexus between Kai and Fulla's minds in order to visualize their past.

Kai commenced watching what had taken place since the day he was born. He history started plying in front of him.

‘The year 2001,

The rumor of the hidden treasures in the Pacific Ocean spread throughout the Asia-Pacific region. Few marine divers mustered the bravery to enter the cavern. They detected something strange in the core of the hidden Palace of Titan. As they attempted to extract those items.

As one of the fishermen approached the thing, it started up to react to him. It appeared to begin possessing the man. Other crows tried to persuade that man not to touch that unusual thing. Yet, it was too late.

When the tip of that man's finger had just touched that odd shimmering object. In a split second, A massive explosion occurred, and all of the marine divers were thrown away. And the man who had touched that object vanished. Even finding his small piece of clothing was out of the question.

That explosion was immensely entrenched that it struck the earth's core. And also allowed the tectonic plate to tremble. At the same time the rare china earthquake occurred. And its impact was felt all across the globe. However, that hidden deep below settled treasure was the main root cause of that catastrophic earthquake.

At the same time, two shimmering lights broke free from the mysterious thing and flew into space and reflecting back on Earth. One of them landed near the San Diego seashore.

A hungry spirit was strolling around the region at the time, seeking out food. Meanwhile the other half of that glistening light penetrated into that wandering spirit. And the strength was so overwhelming that spirit was unable to bear it. As a result, to end the agony and torment. He entered into the body of a lady who was travelling through the area. And couldn't escape her body for the straight 9 months. 

The excruciating was too much for that spirit. However, the lady with the golden heart could bear the afflictive suffering. Although her survival was unfathomable. 

Finally, the spirit began to wrench the lady from her body and force her to engage in supernatural actions so that he might be free of that strange force. After putting in so much effort, the spirit finally left her body after 9 months.

However, the woman got pregnant with the evil spirit's child. Mother gave birth to her child in some way. And because her health was failing, she abandoned the infant in a trash container before die away.  

Fortunately, a lady from a royal family was going down the street. And she could hear the cry of a baby. She searched about but couldn't find anyone. As a result, she started going away. But when she heard the baby wailing again, she came to a halt and began searching here and there. Finally, she approached the garbage can, where she discovered a newborn infant.   

She dashed off to inform his husband. His husband consented to raise a child because they were both infertile. They adopted the child and began raising him. As they came from a wealthy household and could afford to care for the child.    

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