Warm Touch

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That night I laid in bed and kept thinking of Chris.....if he went back to school and got suspended, even expelled he would be in big trouble. Chris would be a dead man at home. I even started to cry, the whole night I cried myself to sleep. Dreams raced through my head.......with Gordie, Teddy, and Chris. I put all the bad memories in my head and put myself in there shoes. I woke up crying, trying to calm myself down. I couldn't do it....that dream was the worst dream I've ever had. I got dressed, I put on a white tee, with a jean jacket over it and black leggings. I ran downstairs to the front door and grabbed my black converse and writing book. I ran out the door before my parents saw me crying. I walked to the treehouse, and saw Gordie up in the window. I ran up the ladder, and calmed down a bit, but my eyes were puffy and red. Gordie was really focused, he was smoking and writing. He looked up at me with a smile, but it quickly went away.

"What the hell happened to you?" He said quickly standing up. He put his hand out on my shoulder.

"Nothing, Gordie I'm okay, really." I said trying to smile without sniffling. He took me with him and I sat by him.
He put his arm around me.

"No, I can something is wrong. Tell me...."

"I can't....."


"If I do, you can't get mad....."


"Well, Chris told me that you have it hard at home. Chris told me that he has it hard at home. And that Teddys dad isn't around a lot and doesn't really care about Teddy. And last night I had dreamed all this.....everything like this. I haven't told anyone this but a few months ago my mom gave birth to a baby boy and we took him home and he only lived for 3 days. He was a really healthy baby too.........."

"Oh really?!? My brother died almost about a year ago. His name was Denny, he was my bestfriend. I still miss him...and at home no one really cares about me, they only liked Denny. Chris told me that all the time."

"Well Gordo, I'm always there for you..."

"I'm always her for you too, Mad" He gave me a tight, warm hug.....It was the best hug ever.........

I hope everyone likes this chapter! It really touches me! TBH I have a friend just like this but it's not a boy and we don't hold hands, she is just always has my back! Love you Dena!! -Gordies Girl❤️💕

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