Losing Chris

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I watched Gordie as he studied his paper real hard.

"Hey, Gordie."


"What should our next chapter be?"

"Well, I was thinking we could put a weird twist on the end...."

"Oh, like what?"

"I don't know....I have read the this half like one-hundred times and can't find a good weird ending..."

"Well, why don't you have Casey leave Anthony all alone and Anthony finds a treehouse and finds the criminal there and almost dies and Casey saves him."

"That's actually pretty messed up, especially that those two are inseparable...."

"That's why it would work!" I said.

"Well that's what I mean! It's perfect!"

"Okay, let's start writing!" I said.

"Grab me some paper and a sharpened pencil!" I gave him some more paper and a pencil and all of that afternoon we wrote.

"Hey Mads, I'm getting kinda tired and if I'm tired I will mess up the story I say we go home."

"Okay sounds good." We both grabbed our papers and our trash so that we didn't need to listen to Teddy complain about not cleaning up. He helped me down the ladder and walked with me to my house. He stood there with me in the dark on the porch. As I grabbed the front door handle he grabbed my hand. He pulled me to him and he was going to hug me till the porch light turned on. He just looked at me and winked and smiled.

"Bye Mads! See tomorrow at school!"

"Bye, Gords!" I said watching him run to his house. I snuck upstairs and went straight to bed. Gordie was such a sweetheart. I felt like I was getting real close with him and the group. The next day was Friday, thank goodness. The boys and I were going out for pizza and ice cream I guess. I woke up and searched through my closet and drawers for something to wear. I put on a grey tank top and a pair of shorts with black converse and put my hair in a braid. I grabbed my bag and papers and went out the door. Gordie was standing at the end of the driveway.

"Hey Gordie! Hey Vern! Hey Teddy! Where's Chris?"

"Come on Madeline, we'll tell you on the way." Gordie said.

"Okay, What's up with Chris?" I said reaching the end of the driveway.

"The school called his house last night...." Teddy said real quiet.

"Oh, what for?" I asked. Teddy leaned over to me and cupped his hands over my ear and whispered to me, that Chris got suspended for the whole cigarette thing.

"Where is he?" I looked at Gordie. Gordie looked at me and shook his head. I looked back at Teddy. We all stopped.

"Sadly, his dad was home...."

"Oh, shit....oh, no" I said

"I heard everything last night. It was terrible. Chris knocked on my back door and I heard his dad yelling at him and hitting him."

"So, where's Chris?!?" I asked.

"We don't know....." Teddy said.

"So he ran away?" I asked.

"I guess so..." Vern said. My heart stopped. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't breathe. I don't know if I should breathe. I just stood there and sank. I started crying.

"You know what? Fuck it if we are late for school. We are going to look for Chris."

"But Mads..." Vern screeched.

"Vern!" I yelled.

"Verno, stop being pussy." Teddy yelled.

"Don't call me that!" Vern yelled back.

"We all know Chris would drag his ass to look for us." I said.

"Well, I guess so." Vern said.

"Let's go..." Gordie said. We all walked around and we knew two places where he would be.........

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