Letter 1

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                                                                                                                                               September 2, 1996

Dear Severus,

I trust this letter finds you in good spirits and health.

The start of this term has already proven to be quite intriguing, to say the least. Just this evening before I came to write this I stumbled upon two Gryffindors wandering the corridors past curfew, but I shall spare you the distressing particulars of what I witnessed.

Needless to say, I had to deduct a considerable sum of points- 30, to be exact and an extra 20 for the toll it took on my patience and well-being. I have half a mind to ask Dumbledore to obliviate me.

Truly, I feel as though I have suffered.

But enough about my complaints regarding the Gryffindors, for I must draw your attention to a matter of real significance. One of my favorite Slytherins, young Mr. Malfoy, seems to be encountering considerable difficulties in my class, and I find myself quite concerned.

As you are well aware, Mr. Malfoy is among our star pupils at Hogwarts and his academic prowess in the past has been nothing short of impressive. However, as of late, he has failed to submit multiple assignments and his presence during my lessons is akin to someone who has giving a badly brewed potion.

I have a fondness for Mr. Malfoy, and it pains me to witness him struggle so. I sincerely hope that, in your capacity as his head of house, you might have some insights or strategies to assist him in conquering his Herbology challenges. I believe it is essential to nurture his talents and ensure that he continues to thrive academically.

With this in mind, I would be most grateful for an opportunity to discuss this matter further in the Great Hall this evening. Your guidance and expertise would be invaluable in helping Malfoy find his way back to success in my class.

Yours sincerely,

Pomona Sprout 

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