Letter 21

2 0 0

september 22, 1996


Could we possibly reschedule our meeting for tonight? Hufflepuff is throwing a small party, and I'm in charge of the entertainment. I'll be skipping dinner to gather herbs from the greenhouses.

If you're willing to cooperate, I might share some with you and your fellow snakes.

We should get a head start on our Potions project too, as my prefect duties will keep me quite occupied, given Susan Bones' absence until October's end.

It would be much simpler if you were still a Prefect, we could have done our rounds together. But no matter, we will just have to compare schedules to find the time to get our project done.

Please ensure your friend Pansy Parkinson understands this is purely professional and educational. She tried to hex me while I was leaving the Astronomy Tower last week, which is utterly absurd. It took me almost two hours to removed the chocolate frogs from my hair and I barely slept that night.

Between her and your mother, one would think I'm scheming to become Lady Malfoy. We both know that's far from my intentions; you'd be so fortunate to have my affections.
Also, any reason why Theodore Nott keeps smirking at me and sending notes during Charms? I hope you're not discussing me with your companions deep in the dungeons late at night. I know that my sweetness and charm is alien to you but that doesn't mean you need to brag to your friends about having all my time to yourself. There simply is not enough of me to go around.

Sincerely ,
Dione Prewett

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