Letter 28

8 0 0

october 1, 1996


I'm not quite sure where to begin, and I'm aware that this might sound like a flimsy excuse, but I wanted to say something. Perhaps my actions have been driven by things beyond my control, though that doesn't excuse my behavior.

Theodore is hardly the root of my frustration, and your family's financial status means nothing to me. It's a miserable way to admit it, but I believe you deserve an apology, even if I'm unsure how to offer it properly.

I realize now that my actions , particularly my words with Blaise and Pansy, were inexcusable. I don't even know why I said them, I absolutely didn't even believe it when it came out of my mouth. I shouldn't have said those things, and for that, I'm sorry.

If you're willing to grant me the opportunity, could we meet in the astronomy tower tonight at 10pm? There's something I'd like to discuss. If you choose not to come, I'll understand. But if you do, I hope that we can come to an agreement and continue with our studying arrangement.

The time we have together to work on our classwork is the only time I don't feel the pressure that it is to be a Malfoy.


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