Letter 10

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Dearest Ginny,

I hope this owl finds you well. I wanted to remind you to keep an eye on your cousin this term.

She may not readily come to you, but I know you can be a source of comfort and understanding for her. Spend time together and let her know she's not alone. Make sure the poor girl isn't skipping meals and becoming too lonely. You have all your brothers in Gryffindor Tower, but sweet Dione is all alone in Hufflepuff. Don't forget that we have to stay close, especially in times like these.

You have always been such a caring and responsible girl, and I trust you to make sure Dione doesn't fall behind or get stuck in her own thoughts. Your support means the world to her, I'm sure of it.

Oh, and a little PS for Ron: Tell him to stay out of trouble and to act like a gentleman with that sweet Hermione. I won't hesitate to send him a howler.

With all my love and confidence in you,


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