Letter 23

2 0 0

september 24, 1996


Sitting at the Hufflepuff table? Are you trying to break some unwritten rule?

Everyone else mingles, but Slytherins always stick to their own table. I'd be genuinely flabbergasted if you actually did it.

By the way, those charmed notes you keep sending in class are causing quite the stir. I've been bombarded with questions from multiple corners, and honestly, it's bewildering considering we've never even exchanged a word.

And let's discuss the content of these notes, are you not nervous that someone else may read them? They are quite descriptive.

Is this some elaborate joke, courtesy of Malfoy, to get back at me? I really don't have the time or patience for any of this. Could you please cut out the staring and odd behavior?

Dione Prewett

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