Letter 27

4 0 0

september 29, 1996


I can't help but wonder, why must you always choose to be so harsh? If Theodore's kindness bothers you that much, perhaps it's a conversation you should have with him.

But what I'm left pondering is, what have I ever done to earn such intense disdain from you? I comprehend that my family's financial situation might be offensive to your sensibilities, but surely you can't be that shallow?

I believed we were forging some sort of friendship. This past month, we've been side by side, aiding each other in our studies, trying to better our grades.

Yet, yesterday, I overheard you mocking me with Blaise and Pansy. Is that truly how you perceive me? Am I really repulsive, dim-witted, and inferior due to my lack of wealth? I had hoped you were above such cruelty, Draco.

The reason I'm writing is, I picked up a few things for you in Hogsmeade over the weekend. I left them in your cauldron during Potions class, so no one else would see. Honeydukes Chocolates—your favorite. A gesture of gratitude for helping me through that challenging potions exam.

I've approached Snape, inquiring whether I might be released from our arrangement now that my grades have improved. Consider this a token of my appreciation. You won't be subjected to my "disgustingly cheery demeanor" any longer.


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