Letter 16

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september 12, 1996


Is there something I have done to you personally that warrants you treating me so unkindly? I mean have we ever even spoken to each other? Surely you can at least be civil with me?

I'm aware of your free period because of our shared Charms period right before, something you wouldn't know given your face's perpetual position in Pansy Parkinson's shadow.

Insulting my family is simply uncalled for, and I really do not wish to trade insults back and forth with you. If you can't muster basic respect for me and my family, I won't hesitate to inform Snape about your uncooperative behavior. Can we please just be mature with this uncomfortable arrangement, I already have enough in my life to be miserable about. I really do not need you and your attitude to add to it.

And by the way, in case you need a reminder or are using your gargoyles to read this letter for you, I'm a Prewett—an esteemed Sacred Twenty-Eight family.

Dione Prewett

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