Letter 20

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september 21, 1996


Why on earth did you send a letter like that? What gave you the notion that I have any interest in Prewett? Your meddling has only made things awkward and uncomfortable between us. As she read me the letter, she blushed and fluttered her eyelashes. Do you know what that means Mother? You're a woman, I'm almost certain you know what that means.

I'm forced to collaborate with her until my grades improve, and now you've ensured that she'll be under the impression I discussed her with you, which I most certainly did not. If you didn't want myself to be on her romantic radar, than I am shocked because that is what you have accomplished. As if  this arrangement wasn't inconvenient enough.

I implore you to keep your nose out of my affairs unless I explicitly seek your help. And please refrain from speaking about this supposed Greengrass arrangement as if it's an absolute certainty. Arranged marriages are antiquated notions, and I fully intend to make my own choice about who, if anyone, I decide to marry. And you must know that the Greengrasses are far from pure, I've seen both of them coming from the boys dormitories at all kinds of late hours.

All that our family is dealing with right now, and my impending betrothal is on your mind? I can't believe you.


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