Letter 32

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Guess what? I stumbled upon your lovely gift nestled amongst the Vervain flowers in the Greenhouses. How did you know those are my absolute favorites?

I assume that this thoughtful surprise was meant for meant for me. Unless, of course there's another Hufflepuff secretly giving you Herbology wisdom beyond belief?

You've left me both delighted and curious!

Speaking of surprises, that first edition of Wondrous Water Plants you managed to snag- how on earth did you find it? It must have cost a fortune! I'm sincerely impressed.

Now, I find myself feeling a bit outdone in the gift-giving department. I'll definetely need to come up with something equally thoughtful to show my gratitude.

Our newfound friendship has truly made me happy Draco. I genuinely enjoy the time we spend together, and I can't help but credit you for helping me survive the last couple of potions exams.Your insights have been invaluable.

Now, I must admit, I'm a tad anxious about this, but I figured I'd put it out there. You've likely head of the Gryffindor Halloween party that my cousins, George and Fred host annually. Well, George is being his persistent self and pushing me to attend.

Truth be told, I'd rather not go solo and suffere the whole evening in misery. So here's a wild idea- would you consider accompanying me?

It's not a date, it's more of a friend outing.

Having you there would make the whole ordeal much more bearable.

Oh, and just to throw it out there, I've got a new strain of alihosty that doesn't make your eyes red at all, we can test it out before the party at my dorm.

Now, I'm well aware this might seem a bit unconventional- inviting a Slytherin to a Gryffindor event. If you're not up for it, I completely understand. No pressure whatsoever.

I hope our study session tomorrow is just as productive as always! Looking forward to it.


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